name is New Morning Sun Rays. My nickname is Sun Ray. I am 10 years
old. Father wakes me early with the coming of dawn. We go down to
the stream to wash our faces. It is the best time to check my bird
traps and set them again. Mother would find it a treat to receive
birds for breakfast. By the time we return, she will have spoon
bread ready with the fresh berries that we picked yesterday.
"Today my friend
and I will look for straying turkeys. It is the duty of us older
boys to keep the turkeys close by the village. If the turkeys stay
close to the pueblo, it is easier for my younger sister and other
village girls to gather the eggs. If we do not take too long with
the turkeys today, Uncle said we could play shinny in the afternoon. Grandfather made us a ball stuffed with raw cotton.
The sticks we made from brush oak are strong. We know we can win
the game against the boys of the neighboring village, so we try
hard to finish our chores." |