Identification Criteria for Plant Remains Recovered from Archaeological Sites in the Central Mesa Verde Region, by Karen R. Adams and Shawn S. Murray

Definitions of Column Heads: Compendium A

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Taxon: Subclass, family, genus, or species name, or general descriptive category (for example, diffuse porous, ring porous, semi-ring porous), when wood type is unknown. Most of the scientific names listed in this column are from A Utah Flora (Welsh et al. 1987*1); the names of several plants not recorded in A Utah Flora are from Arizona Flora (Kearney and Peebles 1960*1).
Common Name: Most of the names listed in this column are from A Utah Flora (Welsh et al. 1987*1); the names of several plants not recorded in A Utah Flora are from Arizona Flora (Kearney and Peebles 1960*1).
Ring Patterns: The general appearance of the wood rings and the patterning of background cells:
  diffuse porous: vessels are of various sizes, are abundant or sparse, and are scattered throughout the ring; there are no large vessels at the ring boundary, nor do vessels grade from larger in the earlywood to smaller in the latewood
  ring porous: vessels are clearly larger in the earlywood and smaller in the latewood, with an abrupt transition between the two; the wood has an obvious "ring" of vessels just inside the ring boundary, often visible at low magnification or with the naked eye
  semi-ring porous: vessels gradually grade from larger in the earlywood to smaller in the latewood throughout the ring
  other: described individually
  none: no woods rings present
Vessels: Present or absent; abundant or sparse; how distributed within ring; comments on size and/or shape; solitary, paired, or multiples; occluded; etc.
Resin Canals: Present or absent; this feature is unique to conifer woods.
Rays: Visible or not visible at low magnification (50X or less), or absent altogether; distinct or indistinct; continuous or discontinuous; etc.
Ring Boundaries: Distinct or indistinct, presence or absence of cork tissue, information on earlywood and/or latewoods zones, light-reflectiveness, etc.
Comments: Additional information relevant to the identification of the taxon in question.
Photo Number(s): Linked to specimen photograph(s).

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