"Artifacts," by Scott G. Ortman

Table 13. Provenience Information for Vessels from Castle Rock Pueblo
Vessel No. Photo Number Type Form Condition PD No. Study Unit Feature Fill Assemblage Position Fill Assemblage Type
1 Photo 1245
Photo 1357
Mesa Verde Black-on-white bowl nearly complete 446 Str 302
surface contact and fill above collapsed structure not further specified
2 Photo 1253
Photo 1380
Mesa Verde Black-on-white kiva jar complete unbroken 975 Str 305

and fill above collapsed structure with mixed refuse
3 Photo 1253
Photo 1374
Late White Unpainted kiva jar lid complete reconstructible 991 Str 305
surface contact ephemeral or reuse surface in fill cultural deposit mixed refuse
4 Photo 1255
Photo 1377
Mesa Verde Black-on-white canteen complete unbroken 525 Str 304 Feature 1 (Bench 6) fill roof fall collapsed structure not further specified
5 Photo 1271 Mesa Verde Black-on-white mug complete unbroken 350 Str 302
surface contact prepared floor surface cultural deposit mixed refuse
6 Photo 1247
Photo 1359
Mesa Verde Black-on-white bowl partial 454 Str 302
surface contact prepared floor surface cultural deposit mixed refuse
7 Photo 1257
Photo 1376
Mesa Verde Black-on-white canteen partial 968 Str 305
fill roof fall collapsed structure with de facto refuse
8 Photo 1259 Ind Local Corrugated Gray jar nearly complete 0 general

8 Photo 1259 Ind Local Corrugated Gray jar nearly complete 991 Str 305
surface contact ephemeral or reuse surface in fill cultural deposit mixed refuse
9 Photo 1262
Photo 1382
Late White Unpainted kiva jar nearly complete 975 Str 305
surface contact and fill above collapsed structure with mixed refuse
10 Photo 1263
Photo 1365
Late White Unpainted sherd container complete unbroken 968 Str 305
fill roof fall collapsed structure with de facto refuse
11 Photo 1269
Photo 1372
Pueblo III White Painted kiva jar lid partial 1217 Nst 3 Feature 3, pns fill surface feature contents cultural deposit secondary refuse
Ind Local Corrugated Gray jar partial 446 Str 302
surface contact and fill above collapsed structure not further specified
13 Photo 1275 Pueblo III White Painted kiva jar partial 985 Str 402
surface contact and fill above collapsed structure with de facto refuse
14 Photo 1249
Photo 1361
Late White Unpainted bowl complete unbroken 454 Str 302
surface contact prepared floor surface cultural deposit mixed refuse
14 Photo 1249
Photo 1361
Late White Unpainted bowl complete unbroken 464 Str 302 Feature 4, hearth fill surface feature contents cultural deposit primary refuse
15 Photo 1252
Photo 1363
Mesa Verde Black-on-white bowl nearly complete 985 Str 402
surface contact and fill above collapsed structure with de facto refuse
15 Photo 1252
Photo 1363
Mesa Verde Black-on-white bowl nearly complete 992 Str 402
surface contact prepared floor surface cultural deposit de facto refuse
Ind Local Corrugated Gray jar partial 985 Str 402
surface contact and fill above collapsed structure with de facto refuse
Ind Local Corrugated Gray jar partial 992 Str 402
surface contact prepared floor surface cultural deposit de facto refuse
17 Photo 1276 Mesa Verde Black-on-white mug partial 52 Str 104
surface contact and fill above cultural deposit not further specified
18 Photo 1265
Photo 1370
Mesa Verde Black-on-white ladle partial 263 Str 401
surface contact and fill above cultural deposit not further specified
19 Photo 1272
Photo 1367
Mesa Verde Black-on-white bowl partial 731 Str 304
fill wall fall and roof fall collapsed structure with mixed refuse
PD = provenience designation; Str = structure; Nst = nonstructure; Pns = pit, not further specified; Ind = indeterminate.
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