"Artifacts," by Scott G. Ortman

Table 24. Long-Distance Pottery Exchange
Site No. of San Juan Red Ware Sherds No. of Non-Mesa Verde Sherds Total Sherds Percent of Nonlocal Sherds Location Core Occupation Date (A.D.) Reference
5MT8899 2 23 2,216 1.13 E. Montezuma Valley 1050 Errickson 1992*1
5MT8934 8 14 4,312 .51 E. Montezuma Valley 1075 Errickson 1992*1
Escalante Ruin 16 355 9,822 3.78 E. Montezuma Valley 1125 Hallasi 1979*1
Dominguez Ruin 0 14 1,092 1.28 E. Montezuma Valley 1125 Reed 1979*1
G and G Hamlet 33 5 5,082 .75 Sand Canyon Locality 1210 Pierce and Varien 1999*1
Lillian's Site 3 10 4,829 .27 Sand Canyon Locality 1210 Pierce and Varien 1999*1
Roy's Ruin 7 1 5,981 .13 Sand Canyon Locality 1210 Pierce and Varien 1999*1
Mad Dog Tower 0 2 812 .25 Sand Canyon Locality 1240 Pierce and Varien 1999*1
Troy's Tower 2 0 2,322 .09 Sand Canyon Locality 1240 Pierce and Varien 1999*1
Lookout House 1 17 5,362 .34 Sand Canyon Locality 1250 Pierce and Varien 1999*1
Catherine's Site 6 2 7,246 .11 Sand Canyon Locality 1250 Pierce and Varien 1999*1
Lester's Site 0 8 4,315 .19 Sand Canyon Locality 1275 Pierce and Varien 1999*1
Stanton's Site 4 6 6,400 .16 Sand Canyon Locality 1275 Pierce and Varien 1999*1
Castle Rock Pueblo 19 13 41,945 .08 Sand Canyon Locality 1275 This Report
Saddlehorn Hamlet 0 0 2,115 .00 Sand Canyon Locality 1275 Pierce and Varien 1999*1
5MT8943, early component 8 131 2,338 5.95 Southern Ute Piedmont 1075 Errickson 1993*1
5MT7723 2 57 11,203 .53 Southern Ute Piedmont 1075 Errickson 1993*1
5MT10206 0 976 3,138 31.10 Southern Ute Piedmont 1125 Errickson 1993*1
5MT7704, early component 0 186 1,887 9.86 Southern Ute Piedmont 1125 Errickson 1993*1
5MT10207 0 37 3,669 1.01 Southern Ute Piedmont 1125 Errickson 1993*1
5MT7704, late component 0 20 249 8.03 Southern Ute Piedmont 1250 Errickson 1993*1
5MT8943, late component 0 23 786 2.93 Southern Ute Piedmont 1250 Errickson 1993*1
Dobbins Stockade 99 15 2,781 4.10 W. Montezuma Valley 1050 Wilson 1988*2
Norton House 23 12 1,170 2.99 W. Montezuma Valley 1050 Wilson 1988*2
Chameleon House 17 6 784 2.93 W. Montezuma Valley 1050 Wilson 1988*2
Roundtree Pueblo 59 13 3,577 2.01 W. Montezuma Valley 1050 Wilson 1988*2
Casa Bisecada 6 0 458 1.31 W. Montezuma Valley 1050 Wilson 1988*2
Dripping Springs Stockade 45 2 1,555 3.02 W. Montezuma Valley 1075 Wilson 1991*1
Bindweed House 15 8 979 2.35 W. Montezuma Valley 1075 Wilson 1988*2
Roundtree Pueblo 34 26 4,299 1.40 W. Montezuma Valley 1210 Wilson 1991*1
Knobby Knee Stockade 0 5 2,983 .17 W. Montezuma Valley 1210 Wilson 1991*1
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