"Artifacts," by Scott G. Ortman

Table 29. Projectile Points, Castle Rock Pueblo
PD FS PL Original Use Condition Type Material Production Stage Length Width Thick Weight Study Unit Fill Assemblage Position Fill Assemblage Type
36 18
arrowhead complete small side-notched, PIII Burro Canyon chert finished 2.25 1.25 0.31 0.7 Nst 1 fill not further specified cultural deposit secondary refuse
82 14
blade fragmentary biface, not further specified agate/chalcedony finished 2.18 1.94 0.48 1.9 Nst 1 fill not further specified cultural deposit secondary refuse
82 22
arrowhead complete small side-notched, PIII petrified wood finished 2.18 1.07 0.25 0.5 Nst 1 fill not further specified cultural deposit secondary refuse
82 30
arrowhead incomplete small side-notched, PIII Dakota quartzite finished 1.74 0.98 0.28 0.6 Nst 1 fill not further specified cultural deposit secondary refuse
82 37
arrowhead complete small side-notched, PIII Dakota quartzite finished 2.02 1.12 0.25 0.4 Nst 1 fill not further specified cultural deposit secondary refuse
86 16
arrowhead incomplete small side-notched, PIII Morrison chert/siltstone finished 1.58 1.19 0.28 0.5 Nst 1 fill not further specified cultural deposit secondary refuse
97 5
arrowhead complete Bull Creek point, PII-PIII red jasper finished 3.14 1.25 0.37 1.2 Arb 2 fill not further specified other deposit
174 6
arrowhead complete small side-notched, PIII unknown chert/siltstone finished 2.59 1.16 0.28 0.8 Nst 1 fill not further specified cultural deposit secondary refuse
200 5
arrowhead complete small side-notched, PIII agate/chalcedony finished 1.48 1.42 0.25 0.5 Nst 1 fill not further specified cultural deposit secondary refuse
212 7
drill complete drill, not further specified agate/chalcedony not applicable 1.73 0.66 0.42 0.3 Str 103 fill roof fall collapsed structure not further specified
260 4
arrowhead incomplete small side-notched, PIII Dakota quartzite finished 2.11 1.38 0.31 0.8 Arb 1 fill below wall fall postabandonment deposit not further specified
363 3 35 arrowhead complete small side-notched, PIII unknown chert/siltstone finished 2.00 1.23 0.19 0.5 Str 302 fill roof fall collapsed structure not further specified
368 4
blade fragmentary biface, not further specified Morrison chert/siltstone finished

2.7 Str 206 fill wall fall collapsed structure with mixed refuse
370 8
ind fragmentary biface, not further specified Dakota quartzite ind

3.1 Arb 5 fill not further specified postabandonment deposit natural processes
376 9
ind fragmentary biface, not further specified Dakota quartzite Stage 1 2.94 2.63 1.04 14.5 Arb 1 fill not further specified postabandonment deposit not further specified
394 9
ind fragmentary biface, not further specified Dakota quartzite not applicable

13.3 Arb 4 fill not further specified mixed deposit postabandonment and cultural refuse
262 6
arrowhead complete small side-notched, PIII agate/chalcedony finished 1.65 1.28 0.25 0.4 Str 302 fill roof fall collapsed structure not further specified
371 4 36 arrowhead complete small side-notched, PIII red jasper finished 1.53 1.2 0.22 0.3 Str 302 fill roof fall collapsed structure not further specified
500 12
arrowhead complete small side-notched, PIII Dakota quartzite finished 2.85 1.51 0.38 1.3 Str 302 fill roof fall collapsed structure not further specified
526 10 69 arrowhead fragmentary small side-notched, PIII agate/chalcedony finished 1.91 1.36 0.34 0.9 Str 302 fill roof fall collapsed structure not further specified
577 39 86 ind fragmentary Large corner-notched, BMIII-PI Dakota quartzite finished 2.41 2.16 0.57 3.5 Str 302 fill roof fall collapsed structure with de facto refuse
577 40 83 arrowhead complete small side-notched, PIII unknown chert/siltstone finished 1.71 1.15 0.26 0.4 Str 302 fill roof fall collapsed structure with de facto refuse
732 22 134 arrowhead complete small side-notched, PIII Dakota quartzite finished 1.67 1.38 0.3 0.6 Str 302 fill roof fall collapsed structure with mixed refuse
781 1 135 ind incomplete biface, not further specified Dakota quartzite finished 2.76 2.11 0.53 3.3 Str 302 fill wall fall postabandonment deposit natural processes
781 2 136 arrowhead incomplete Desert side-notched, Numic petrified wood finished 2.83 1.35 0.29 0.8 Str 302 fill wall fall postabandonment deposit natural processes
6 8
ind fragmentary projectile point, not further specified unknown chert/siltstone finished 0.81 0.95 0.21 0.2 Arb 1 fill not further specified postabandonment deposit not further specified
18 17
arrowhead incomplete small side-notched, PIII petrified wood finished 1.51 1.18 0.28 0.5 Nst 1 fill not further specified cultural deposit secondary refuse
18 18
drill complete drill, not further specified agate/chalcedony finished 2.73 1.45 0.77 3.2 Nst 1 fill not further specified cultural deposit secondary refuse
20 5
ind fragmentary biface, not further specified agate/chalcedony ind 1.93 1.99
2.2 Nst 1 fill not further specified cultural deposit secondary refuse
24 13
arrowhead incomplete small corner-notched, BMIII-Early PII Dakota quartzite finished 1.04 1.08 0.20
Nst 1 fill not further specified cultural deposit secondary refuse
24 27
drill fragmentary drill, not further specified Dakota quartzite finished 1.95 0.99 0.20 0.4 Nst 1 fill not further specified cultural deposit secondary refuse
405 8
ind complete biface, not further specified obsidian Stage 3 3.06 1.18 0.36 1.5 Arb 4 fill not further specified mixed deposit postabandonment and cultural refuse
418 1
arrowhead fragmentary small corner-notched, BMIII-Early PII unknown chert/siltstone finished 1.42 1.32 0.41 0.8 Arb 4 fill prehistoric ground surface mixed deposit other
443 12
drill fragmentary drill, not further specified Morrison chert/siltstone ind 2.25 0.99 0.54 1.1 Str 403 fill below a cultural surface cultural deposit secondary refuse
447 12
ind complete biface, not further specified Dakota quartzite ind 7.42 4.30 1.91 66.7 Arb 6 fill not further specified cultural deposit secondary refuse
475 27
arrowhead complete small side-notched, PIII petrified wood finished 2.47 1.17 0.30 0.6 Str 112 fill roof fall collapsed structure not further specified
542 13
drill complete drill, not further specified Morrison chert/siltstone finished 3.22 0.59 0.54 1.1 Str 206 fill roof fall collapsed structure with mixed refuse
587 15
arrowhead fragmentary projectile point, not further specified Dakota quartzite finished 1.25 0.93
0.2 Str 304 fill wall fall postabandonment deposit natural processes
615 8
ind incomplete biface, not further specified agate/chalcedony Stage 2 3.58 3.20 1.27 14.8 Str 112 fill other mixed deposit other
707 1 2 arrowhead complete small side-notched, PIII unknown chert/siltstone finished 1.26 0.99 0.27 0.3 Nst 1 fill not further specified cultural deposit secondary refuse
707 3 1 atlatl dart complete large corner-notched, BMII Dakota quartzite finished 3.42 1.61 0.44 2.2 Nst 1 fill not further specified cultural deposit secondary refuse
707 4 3 arrowhead incomplete small side-notched, PIII Dakota quartzite finished 1.70 1.02 0.22 0.4 Nst 1 fill not further specified cultural deposit secondary refuse
707 21
drill complete drill, not further specified Morrison chert/siltstone ind 5.10 2.33 1.30 10.8 Nst 1 fill not further specified cultural deposit secondary refuse
718 35 1 arrowhead incomplete projectile point, not further specified nonlocal chert/siltstone finished 1.61 1.15 0.25 0.5 Arb 300 fill wall fall and roof fall collapsed structure with mixed refuse
718 36 2 arrowhead complete projectile point, not further specified obsidian finished 1.13 0.80 0.19 0.2 Arb 300 fill wall fall and roof fall collapsed structure with mixed refuse
718 45
ind fragmentary biface, not further specified Brushy Basin chert ind

1.8 Arb 300 fill wall fall and roof fall collapsed structure with mixed refuse
731 65 188 arrowhead complete small side-notched, PIII Morrison chert/siltstone finished 2.76 1.35 0.38 1.1 Str 304 fill wall fall and roof fall collapsed structure with mixed refuse
739 9 1 arrowhead incomplete small side-notched, PIII Dakota quartzite finished 2.19 1.22 0.35 0.9 Arb 300 fill wall fall postabandonment deposit natural processes
763 9 9 ind complete biface, not further specified unknown chert/siltstone Stage 2 3.92 2.04 0.94 6.2 Str 406 fill roof fall collapsed structure with mixed refuse
775 16
blade fragmentary biface, not further specified Dakota quartzite finished 5.16 3.28 0.84 13.7 Str 304 fill wall fall and roof fall collapsed structure with mixed refuse
782 11
blade incomplete biface, not further specified unknown chert/siltstone finished 3.43 2.81
3.4 Str 304 surface contact and fill above collapsed structure with mixed refuse
807 4
arrowhead complete small side-notched, PIII Dakota quartzite finished 1.77 1.21 0.28 0.6 Arb 100 fill not further specified collapsed structure not further specified
852 10
arrowhead incomplete small corner-notched, BMIII-Early PII unknown chert/siltstone finished 2.54 1.28 0.35 1.1 Arb 100 fill not further specified postabandonment deposit natural processes
852 11
arrowhead complete small side-notched, PIII Dakota quartzite finished 1.68 1.36 0.23 0.4 Arb 100 fill not further specified postabandonment deposit natural processes
863 9
arrowhead incomplete small side-notched, PIII Dakota quartzite finished 1.36 1.10 0.28 0.4 Str 117 fill roof fall collapsed structure not further specified
869 4
arrowhead fragmentary projectile point, not further specified Dakota quartzite ind 1.64 1.38
0.5 Arb 100 fill above wall/roof fall postabandonment deposit natural processes
893 1 26 arrowhead complete small side-notched, PIII unknown chert/siltstone finished 2.13 1.27 0.36 0.6 Arb 100 fill above wall/ roof fall postabandonment deposit natural processes
893 2 25 atlatl dart complete medium side-notched, middle to late PII Dakota quartzite finished 3.73 1.91 0.55 3.4 Arb 100 fill above wall/roof fall postabandonment deposit natural processes
899 8 1 arrowhead incomplete small side-notched, PIII unknown chert/siltstone finished 3.14 1.29 0.33 1.3 Str 122 fill wall fall collapsed structure with mixed refuse
962 14 9 arrowhead incomplete small side-notched, PIII Dakota quartzite finished 1.82 1.10 0.29 0.5 Str 305 fill wall fall and roof fall collapsed structure with mixed refuse
970 6
arrowhead complete small side-notched, PIII agate/chalcedony finished 1.48 1.15 0.28 0.5 Nst 12 fill not further specified cultural deposit secondary refuse
977 11
ind fragmentary biface, not further specified Dakota quartzite Stage 1

3.2 Str 402 fill wall fall collapsed structure with mixed refuse
1003 25 3 arrowhead incomplete small side-notched, PIII unknown chert/siltstone finished 2.25 1.31 0.25 0.8 Arb 200 fill not further specified mixed deposit postabandonment and cultural refuse
1030 11
arrowhead complete small side-notched, PIII Dakota quartzite finished 2.49 1.21 0.29 0.7 Str 122 surface contact and fill above cultural deposit mixed refuse
1186 4
ind fragmentary biface, not further specified agate/chalcedony ind

0.50 1.4 Nst 1 fill not further specified cultural deposit secondary refuse
1195 3
ind incomplete biface, not further specified agate/chalcedony finished 1.94 1.71
2.6 Arb 100 fill not further specified postabandonment deposit natural processes
1216 4
ind incomplete biface, not further specified agate/chalcedony finished 2.93 0.92 0.55 1.6 Nst 1 fill not further specified cultural deposit secondary refuse
1216 5
atlatl dart fragmentary large corner-notched, BMII agate/chalcedony finished 1.09 1.66
0.9 Nst 1 fill not further specified cultural deposit secondary refuse
1228 18
ind complete biface, not further specified unknown chert/siltstone ind 4.48 3.00 2.03 24.4 Arb 100 fill not further specified mixed deposit postabandonment and cultural refuse
1228 34 2 arrowhead complete small corner-notched, BMIII-Early PII Burro Canyon chert finished 2.39 1.37 0.26 0.7 Arb 100 fill not further specified mixed deposit postabandonment and cultural refuse
1239 1 2 arrowhead complete small side-notched, PIII agate/chalcedony finished 2.19 1.07 0.34 0.6 Nst 6 fill other construction deposit rubble fill
1239 5 1 arrowhead complete small side-notched, PIII Burro Canyon chert finished 1.88 1.05 0.18 0.4 Nst 6 fill other construction deposit rubble fill
1288 8
arrowhead complete small side-notched, PIII Burro Canyon chert finished 2.31 1.34 0.19 0.5 Arb 100 fill not further specified mixed deposit other
BMII = Basketmaker II; BMIII = Basketmaker III; ind = indeterminate; PI = Pueblo I; PII = Pueblo II; PIII = Pueblo III; Arb = Arbitrary Unit; Nst = Nonstructure; Str = Structure.
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