"Artifacts," by Scott G. Ortman

Table 44. Nonlocal Artifacts, Castle Rock Pueblo
PD FS PL Artifact Category Material Closest Source(s) Study Unit Fill Assemblage Position Fill Assemblage Type
6 5
bead shell Pacific Coast; Gulf of CA Arb 1 fill not further specified postabandonment deposit not further specified
12 5
bead shell, Olivella dama Gulf of CA Arb 4 fill not further specified postabandonment deposit natural processes
97 5
projectile point, Bull Creek Point red jasper SE Utah Arb 2 fill not further specified other deposit
250 5
bead turquoise Cerrillos Hills, NM Str 302 fill roof fall collapsed structure not further specified
281 3 3 pendant shell Pacific Coast; Gulf of CA Str 302 surface contact and fill above cultural deposit not further specified
371 4 36 projectile point, small side-notched red jasper SE Utah Str 302 fill roof fall collapsed structure not further specified
405 8
biface, not further specified obsidian San Francisco Peaks, AZ; Jemez Mtns., NM Arb 4 fill not further specified mixed deposit postabandonment and cultural refuse
571 21 3 pendant shell, Haliotis (abalone) Pacific Coast Nst 1 fill not further specified cultural deposit secondary refuse
718 35 1 projectile point, not further specified nonlocal chert/siltstone
Arb 300 fill wall fall and roof fall collapsed structure with mixed refuse
718 36 2 projectile point, not further specified obsidian San Francisco Peaks, AZ; Jemez Mtns., NM Arb 300 fill wall fall and roof fall collapsed structure with mixed refuse
910 19
modified flake Washington Pass chert Chuska Mtns., AZ Str 302 fill surface feature contents collapsed structure postabandonment and cultural refuse
1296 3 5 chipped stone nonlocal chert/siltstone
Str 124 surface contact capped surface collapsed structure mixed refuse
PD = provenience designation; FS = field specimen; PL = point location; Arb = Arbitrary Unit; Str = Structure; Nst = Nonstructure.
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