Stem-and-Leaf Plot for Structure 1501, Sand Canyon Pueblo
Stem-and-leaf plot of all tree-ring dates for Structure 1501. Each numeric digit in the bars of the histogram represents the final digit of one tree-ring date. For example, in the seventh row from the bottom, there are four dates in the A.D. 1200s: 1200, 1202, 1203, and 1209. The second date is a cutting date.
780s 78 00
890s 89 1
950s 95 4
960s 96 44
970s 97 2
980s 98 9
1020s 102 568
1050s 105 9
1060s 106 8
1070s 107 9 KEY
1080s 108 007 ** = break in scale of y-axis
  **   underlined = cutting date
1100s 110 6 unmarked = noncutting date
1110s 111 22
1120s 112 27
1140s 114 145
1160s 116 3
1170s 117 3
1180s 118 48
1190s 119 477
1200s 120 0239
1210s 121 000113
1220s 122 11
1230s 123 112467889
1240s 124 2335555
1250s 125 00123334777789
1260s 126 00011111111111111111111

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