by Jonathan D. Till and Scott G. Ortman
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Table 29. Vessel-Volume Data, Sand Canyon Pueblo
Ware/Form/Size Class Mean Orifice Diameter
Mean Volume
Mean Volume by Ladlesa Mean Volume by Small Bowlsb
White ware ladle 114 264    
Small white ware bowl 159 808 3.06  
Large white ware bowl 284 4,548 17.23 5.63
Small corrugated gray jar 106 2,826 NA 3.50
Medium corrugated gray jar 171 12,879 48.78 15.94
Large corrugated gray jar 190 22,443 85.01 27.78
NA = Not applicable, because the mean orifice diameter of small corrugated gray jars is smaller than the mean orifice diameter of ladles.
a Number of ladle-fulls (with a mean volume of 264 ml) needed to fill a vessel of the given class.
Number of small bowls (with a mean volume of 808 ml) that can be filled from a vessel of the given class.

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