by Jonathan D. Till and Scott G. Ortman
Crow Canyon Home

Table 53. Debitage Categories, Sand Canyon Locality Sites
Site Flakes Flake Fragments Edge-Damaged Flakes Angular Debris Total Debitage
N % N % N % N % N %
Lester's Site 536 26.2 1,110 54.3 93 4.6 304 14.9 2,043 100.0
Lookout House 820 49.3 683 41.1 61 3.7 99 6.0 1,663 100.0
Stanton's Site 1,272 43.5 1,430 49.0 110 3.8 109 3.7 2,921 100.0
G & G Hamlet* 1,498 50.3 1,156 38.8 113 3.8 214 7.2 2,981 100.0
Mad Dog Tower 383 36.8 593 57.0 22 2.1 43 4.1 1,041 100.0
Saddlehorn Hamlet 445 53.5 328 39.4 30 3.6 29 3.5 832 100.0
Shorlene's Site** 1,001 52.5 742 39.0 85 4.5 80 4.2 1,905 100.0
Roy's Ruin*** 1,264 55.4 820 36.0 32 1.4 164 7.2 2,280 100.0
Lillian's Site*** 1,165 58.0 730 36.4 67 3.3 46 2.3 2,008 100.0
Troy’s Tower 632 61.7 336 32.8 21 2.1 35 3.4 1,024 100.0
Catherine's Site 1,449 33.3 2,719 62.5 36 0.8 146 3.4 4,350 100.0
Kenzie Dawn Hamlet**** 2,248 38.7 2,998 51.6 228 3.9 333 5.7 5,807 100.0
Castle Rock Pueblo 4,097 46.2 4,102 46.2 126 1.4 550 6.2 8,875 100.0
Sand Canyon Pueblo 15,595 64.7 7,170 29.7 693 2.9 649 2.7 24,107 100.0
NOTE: Sites whose names are not marked with an asterisk date from the late Pueblo III period. Sites distinguished with asterisks are multicomponent, as follows:
* Late Pueblo II and early Pueblo III
** Basketmaker III, late Pueblo II, and late Pueblo III
*** Late Pueblo II and late Pueblo III
**** Basketmaker III, late Pueblo II, and early Pueblo III

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