by Jonathan D. Till and Scott G. Ortman
Crow Canyon Home

Table 55. Grouped Debitage Material Types, Sand Canyon Locality Sites
Site Material Type Total
Local Semilocal Nonlocal Unknown
N % N % N % N % N
Lester's Site 1,931 94.52 5 0.24 5 0.24 102 4.99 2,043
Lookout House 1,641 98.68 4 0.24 13 0.78 5 0.30 1,663
Stanton's Site 2,792 95.62 38 1.30 53 1.82 37 1.27 2,920
G & G Hamlet* 2,742 91.98 22 0.74 82 2.75 135 4.53 2,981
Mad Dog Tower 998 95.87 13 1.25 1 0.10 29 2.79 1,041
Saddlehorn Hamlet 808 97.47 6 0.72 4 0.48 11 1.33 829
Shorlene's Site** 1,874 98.37 11 0.58 10 0.52 10 0.52 1,905
Roy's Ruin*** 2,262 99.21 4 0.18 5 0.22 9 0.39 2,280
Lillian's Site*** 1,979 99.30 3 0.15 6 0.30 5 0.25 1,993
Troy's Tower 998 97.46 8 0.78 7 0.68 11 1.07 1,024
Catherine's Site 4,243 97.54 30 0.69 30 0.69 47 1.08 4,350
Kenzie Dawn Hamlet**** 5,750 99.02 23 0.40 11 0.19 23 0.40 5,807
Castle Rock Pueblo 8,446 95.17 76 0.86 29 0.33 324 3.65 8,875
Sand Canyon Pueblo 23,424 97.17 69 0.29 104 0.43 510 2.12 24,107
NOTE: Sites whose names are not marked with an asterisk date from the late Pueblo III period. Sites distinguished with asterisks are multicomponent, as follows:
* Late Pueblo II and early Pueblo III
** Basketmaker III, late Pueblo II, and late Pueblo III
*** Late Pueblo II and late Pueblo III
**** Basketmaker III, late Pueblo II, and early Pueblo III

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