by Jonathan D. Till and Scott G. Ortman
Crow Canyon Home

Table 64. Summary of Nonlocal Projectile Points, Sand Canyon Pueblo
Study Unit No. Study Unit Type PD FS PL Point Type Material Type Context
103 midden 31 23   Desert Side-Notched Dakota quartzite midden in an architectural block with strong evidence of violence
501 subterranean kiva 388 234 88 Desert Side-Notched nonlocal chert (red jasper) abandonment context, near  human remains (HRO 14)
1004 aboveground kiva 530 63 46 Parowan Basal-Notched unknown silicified sandstone abandonment context above a floor on which the remains of two violently killed individuals rested
1004 aboveground kiva 593 16 1 Nawthis Side-Notched Dakota quartzite abandonment context in a kiva containing strong evidence of violence
1219 kiva corner room 176 17   Nawthis Side-Notched nonlocal chert (red jasper) stratum consisting of rodent disturbance and intentional cultural deposits
PD = Provenience Designation; FS = Field Specimen; PL = Point Location; HRO = Human Remains Occurrence.

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