by Jonathan D. Till and Scott G. Ortman
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Table 97. Stone Artifacts Made of Extralocal Materials and Found in Abandonment Contexts, Sand Canyon Pueblo
Study Unit No. Study Unit Description PD FS Artifact Type Material Type Fill/Assemblage Position
102 aboveground kiva 41 15 biface nonlocal chert/siltstone fill: below wall and roof fall
50 4 biface petrified wood surface contact: prepared floor surface
50 5 biface agate/chalcedony surface contact: prepared floor surface
50 91 biface agate/chalcedony surface contact: prepared floor surface
50 89 drill agate/chalcedony surface contact: prepared floor surface
50 54 modified flake petrified wood surface contact: prepared floor surface
50 86 other modified mineral petrified wood surface contact: prepared floor surface
41 35 pendant jet fill: below wall and roof fall
50 88 projectile point agate/chalcedony surface contact: prepared floor surface
108 aboveground kiva 142 65 biface petrified wood surface contact and fill above
131 6 drill agate/chalcedony fill: roof fall
142 32 projectile point agate/chalcedony surface contact and fill above
208 aboveground kiva 269 86 biface agate/chalcedony surface contact and fill above
271 10 biface nonlocal chert/siltstone fill: roof fall
323 15 chipped-stone tool nonlocal chert/siltstone fill: roof fall
269 81 polishing stone nonlocal chert/siltstone surface contact and fill above
271 6 projectile point agate/chalcedony fill: roof fall
501 subterranean kiva 633 2 biface agate/chalcedony surface contact: other feature surface
388 60 drill nonlocal chert/siltstone fill: roof fall
549 4 drill Washington Pass chert fill: roof fall
628 12 drill agate/chalcedony surface contact and fill above
557 2 modified flake agate/chalcedony surface contact and fill above
558 3 polishing stone agate/chalcedony surface contact and fill above
388 234 projectile point nonlocal chert/siltstone fill: roof fall
1004 aboveground kiva 800 6 biface nonlocal chert/siltstone fill: below roof fall
658 1 pendant jet surface contact and fill above
1008 masonry surface structure 860 35 biface agate/chalcedony surface contact and fill above
860 23 pendant jet surface contact and fill above
794 101 projectile point petrified wood fill: roof fall
1010 kiva, type unknown 1431 23 biface agate/chalcedony surface contact: ash or other accumulation on a floor
PD = Provenience Designation; FS = Field Specimen.

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