by Jonathan D. Till and Scott G. Ortman
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Table 8. Ratios of White Ware Bowl to Corrugated Gray Jar Sherds for Late Pueblo III Sites, Sand Canyon Locality
Site Name Count Weight
White Ware Bowl Sherds
Corrugated Gray Jar Sherds
Count Ratio White Ware Bowl Sherds
Wt. (g)
Corrugated Gray Jar Sherds
Wt. (g)
Weight Ratio
Catherine's Site 1,401 4,155 0.34 10,340.7 22,149.8 0.47
Lester's Site 943 2,351 0.40 6,982.1 14,601.9 0.48
Lookout House 969 2,941 0.33 10,625.9 22,230.8 0.48
Mad Dog Tower 102 572 0.18 1,118.9 2,732.2 0.41
Saddlehorn Hamlet 327 1,330 0.25 2,854.0 10,144.0 0.28
Stanton's Site 1,732 3,161 0.55 16,829.7 20,281.2 0.83
Troy's Tower 434 1,255 0.35 3,003.1 5,708.3 0.53
Castle Rock Pueblo 7,127 27,355 0.26 58,759.7 161,970.8 0.36
Sand Canyon Pueblo 20,784 79,332 0.26 287,936.5 897,933.1 0.32
Woods Canyon
   Pueblo (late Pueblo
   III component)
1,573 6,085 0.26 15,105.9 41,535.7 0.36

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