A Descriptive and Interpretive Summary of Excavations, by Architectural Block
by Kristin A. Kuckelman, Bruce A. Bradley, Melissa J. Churchill, and James H. Kleidon
Crow Canyon Home

Table 1. Scattered Human Bones Found in Abandonment Contexts in Architectural Block 1000, Sand Canyon Pueblo
Location Context Skeletal Element(s) Identified
Fill above Courtyard 1000 and Room 1005 in wall collapse one rib fragment, one calcaneus epiphysis, two metacarpals, one ulna fragment, two phalanges, two metatarsals, and one phalanx epiphysis
Courtyard 1000 in refuse on surface one sternum fragment, five femur fragments, one femoral condyle, one vertebra, three phalanges, 24 unidentifiable shaft fragments, and other identifiable bone fragments
Room 1002 in upper fill many small bone fragments, ilium fragments, and a vertebra
in roof fall scapula fragments
Room 1003 in wall fall rib fragment
Kiva 1004 above structure fill fibula fragment
in roof fall phalanx, ilium, ribs
on floor of vent tunnel pelvis, ilium fragment, and six bones from right and left feet (not from HROs 19 or 22)
Bench 3, surface rib fragment
floor tibia (not from HROs 19 or 22)
Tower 1008 floor rib fragments and one phalanx

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