Human Skeletal Remains
by Kristin A. Kuckelman and Debra L. Martin
Crow Canyon Home

Table 1. Mortuary Information, Sand Canyon Pueblo
 HRO No. Study Unit Context Type of Disposition Body Position Grave Goods Map No.
1 Midden 103 refuse (disturbed) concentration of disarticulated remains; abandonment context not applicable absent 4033
2 Room 105 floor body articulated but not formally interred; abandonment context sprawled, on back absent 4037
3 Kiva 107 floor concentration of disarticulated remains; abandonment context on back, upper torso flexed but incomplete, bones from the lower torso are scattered absent 4041, 4042, 4043
4 Kiva 108 floor concentration of disarticulated remains; abandonment context not applicable absent 4049
5 Midden 1214 refuse indeterminate; possible formal burial on back, semiflexed absent 4179
6 Arbitrary Unit 520 wall fall scattered remains (but possibly a formal burial originally) not applicable numerousa 4120
7 Room 1018 roof fall body articulated but not formally interred; abandonment context on stomach, sprawled absent 4157
8 Room 1017 refuse formal burial on left side, flexed complete, unbroken Pueblo III White Painted mug (Vessel 180) 4155
9 Room 1017 refuse formal burial indeterminate, flexed absent 4155
10 Room 1005 wall fall body articulated but not formally interred; abandonment context on back, the existing bones of the right half of the upper torso are articulated absent 4140
11 Room 1005 wall fall body articulated but not formally interred; abandonment context on back, sprawled absent 4140
12 Room 1005 wall fall body articulated but not formally interred; abandonment context on back, sprawled, torso twisted to right absent 4140
13 Room 1002 floor body articulated but not formally interred; abandonment context on stomach, awkward position absent 4129
14 Kiva 501 roof fall body articulated but not formally interred; abandonment context on right side, semiflexed absent 4089
15 Room 1017 floor formal burial on right side, semiflexed nearly complete McElmo Black-on-white bowl (Vessel 182) 4156
16 Room 1017 floor formal burial on left side, flexed (suggested by position of remaining bones) absent 4156
17 Room 1017 floor formal burial on stomach, flexed complete, unbroken Pueblo III White Painted mug (Vessel 183) 4156
18 Room 1017 floor formal burial indeterminate absent 4156
19 Kiva 1004 floor body articulated but not formally interred; abandonment context sprawled, on stomach absent 4135
20 Room 1001 below wall fall concentration of disarticulated remains; abandonment context mostly scattered, some articulation absent 4125
21 Room 1001 below wall fall articulated, but only thorax present; abandonment context on back absent 4125
22 Kiva 1004 floor body articulated but not formally interred; abandonment context part flexed, part sprawled, on right side absent 4135
23 Kiva 400 floor concentration of disarticulated remains; abandonment context on right side absent 4252
24 Room 813 wall fall concentration of disarticulated remains; abandonment context not applicable absent 4294
25 Room 813 wall fall and roof fall formal burial semiflexed, on back absent 4294
26 Kiva 700 wall fall and roof fall scattered remains; abandonment context not applicable absent 4275
27 Kiva 700 wall fall and roof fall body articulated but not formally interred; abandonment context not visible; this individual appears to have been lying face down or partly on her left side absent 4275
28 Kiva 815 floor indeterminate (bones exposed were articulated); abandonment context semiflexed (did not appear to be intentionally positioned), on back absent 4298
29 Kiva 602 wall fall and roof fall indeterminate (bones exposed were articulated); abandonment context indeterminate absent 4257
30 Kiva 1010 floor indeterminate (bones exposed were articulated); abandonment context indeterminate absent 4259
31 Kiva 1013 fill scattered remains; abandonment context not applicable absent no map available
32 Room 305 roof fall concentration of disarticulated remains; abandonment context not applicable absent no map available
HRO = Human Remains Occurrence.
a Possible grave goods include the following artifacts found in proximity to the bones: one nearly complete Late White Unpainted bowl (Vessel 90); one complete, unbroken Pueblo III White Painted mug (Vessel 91); one complete, reconstructible Mesa Verde Black-on-white mug (Vessel 92); two nearly complete Mesa Verde Black-on-white bowls (Vessels 120 and 139); one nearly complete McElmo Black-on-white bowl (Vessel 122); one nearly complete Late White Painted bowl (Vessel 136); one abrader; one core; five fragments of chipped-stone debris; one modified flake; and one mano.

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