Human Skeletal Remains
by Kristin A. Kuckelman and Debra L. Martin
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Table 12. Skeletal Deformation, Osteoarthritis, and Cultural Modification, Sand Canyon Pueblo
HRO Artificial Cranial Deformation Burning Osteoarthritis Antemortem Fracturesa Perimortem Fracturesb Antemortem or Perimortem Fractures Perimortem Abrasions/Cut Marks Perimortem or Postmortem Fracturesc
1 na a a a a a a a
2 lambdoidal a present one depression, left parietal one depression, parietal and frontal a a a
3 occipital a a two depressions, right and left parietals; one depression, left occipital a a a a
4a na a a a spirals form upper edge of facial fragment; green breakage, left parietal a a a
4b na a a a a a a a
5 na high-temperature burning a a a a a a
6 na a a a a a a a
7 na a a a a a a a
8 und a a a a a a a
9 na a a a a a a a
10 occipital a a a a a a a
11 occipital a a two depressions, left parietal crushing, base of skull     seven teeth broken off; part of nose broken off
12 occipital a a a a a a depressions, right femur
13 occipital a a a a a a a
14 occipital partial, right side present a a a a a
15 und a a a a a a a
16 und a a a a a a a
17 presentd a a a a a a a
18 na a a a a a a a
19 na a a a one depression, left and right occipitals; multiple radiating cracks, adherent flakes, and areas of internal vault release on skull; spiral fracture of right tibia a two sets, left humerus; one set, left clavicle; four sets, left frontal a
20 lambdoidal a a one depression, left frontal one depression, right occipital; one depression, left occipital; one depression, right parietal; fracture with adherent flakes, left os coxa two depressions, right parietal two sets, left os coxa a
21 ae a a a a a a a
22 lambdoidal a a a one depression, left parietal a four sets, right frontal; one set, left parietal a
23 na a present a a a a a
24 occipital a present a multiple spirals, left femur and several leg bone fragments; one spiral each—right tibia, left tibia, right fibula a a a
25 na a a a a a a a
26/27 und a present a a a a a
28 na a a a a a a a
29 na a a a a a a a
30 na a a a a a a a
31 na na na na na na na na
32 na a a a a a a a
Isolated remains, adult (PD 132, FS 36) na a na a one depression, frontal a one set, frontal a
Isolated remains (PD 155, FS 5) na a a a spirals, left tibia a one set, right ulna a
HRO = Human Remains Occurrence; a = absent on bones that were observable; na = not applicable (observation of this characteristic was not possible); und = undetermined (observation of this characteristic was possible but not recorded); PD = Provenience Designation; FS = Field Specimen.
a Antemortem damage occurred before death; evidence of healing observed.
b Perimortem damage occurred around the time death; no evidence of healing observed.
c Damage that could have occurred either perimortem or postmortem—it was not possible to determine which (damage that is known to have occurred postmortem is not included in this table).
d Type undetermined.
e Probably absent as a result of craniosynostosis.

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