Archaeobotanical Remains
by Karen R. Adams, Kristin A. Kuckelman, and Vandy E. Bowyer
Crow Canyon Home

Table 4. Taxa, Part, Condition, and Quantity of Specimens Identified in Flotation Samples, Sand Canyon Pueblo
Taxon Common Name Part Condition Quantity
Acer-type maple wood C 1
Amelanchier/Peraphyllum-type serviceberry/peraphyllum wood C 16
Amelanchier/Peraphyllum-type serviceberry/peraphyllum pome C 1
Artemisia tridentata–type big sagebrush wood C 14
Artemisia tridentata–type big sagebrush leaf C 3
Atriplex-type saltbush wood C 2
Cercocarpus-type mountain mahogany wood C 15
Cercocarpus/Artemisia-type mountain mahogany/sagebrush axillary bud C 5
Cheno-am (Chenopodium/Amaranthus) goosefoot/pigweed seed C 34
Cheno-am (Chenopodium/Amaranthus) goosefoot/pigweed seed U 1
Chrysothamnus-type rabbitbrush wood C 3
Compositae-type sunflower family achene C 2
Cruciferae-type mustard family seed C 1
Cucurbita moschata–type butternut squash seed U 3
Cucurbita-type gourd/squash rind C 1
Cucurbita-type gourd/squash seed C 1
Cucurbita-type gourd/squash seed P 1
Cucurbitaceae-type gourd family rind C 1
Cycloloma atriplicifolium–type winged pigweed seed C 1
diffuse porous–type diffuse porous wood C 5
Ephedra-type ephedra wood C 3
Ephedra-type ephedra stem C 1
Fendlera-type fendlerbush wood C 4
Fraxinus-type ash wood C 1
Gramineae (festucoid)-type grass family caryopsis C 1
Gramineae-type grass family caryopsis C 2
Gramineae-type grass family inflorescence C 1
Gramineae-type grass family stem (culm) C 1
Helianthus annuus–type common sunflower achene C 1
Helianthus annuus–type common sunflower achene U 1
Helianthus-type sunflower achene C 2
Juniperus osteosperma–type Utah juniper scale leaf C 2
Juniperus osteosperma–type Utah juniper twig C 6
Juniperus-type juniper bark fragment P 2
Juniperus-type juniper wood C 70
Juniperus-type juniper seed U 1
Juniperus-type juniper twig C 8
Leguminosae-type legume (pea) family seed C 1
Malvaceae-type mallow family seed U 1
Monocotyledon-type monocotyledon tissue C 1
Opuntia (prickly pear)-type prickly pear seed C 9
Opuntia (prickly pear)-type prickly pear seed P 1
Opuntia (prickly pear)-type prickly pear seed U 5
Peraphyllum-type peraphyllum wood C 1
Phaseolus vulgaris–type common bean cotyledon C 2
Phragmites australis–type common reed stem (culm) U 4
Physalis longifolia–type common groundcherry berry C 1
Physalis longifolia–type common groundcherry seed C 23
Physalis longifolia–type common groundcherry seed U 4
Physalis-type groundcherry seed C 2
Pinus edulis–type pinyon pine cone scale C 1
Pinus edulis–type pinyon pine cone scale U 1
Pinus-type pine bark scale C 35
Pinus-type pine bark scale U 1
Pinus-type pine wood C 35
Plantago-type woolly wheat seed C 1
Polygonum-type bindweed achene C 1
Populus/Salix-type cottonwood/willow wood C 6
Portulaca retusa–type purslane seed C 11
Prunus/Rosa-type chokecherry/rose wood C 16
Purshia-type cliff-rose/bitterbrush wood C 10
Purshia-type cliff-rose/bitterbrush leaf C 1
Quercus-type oak wood C 6
Rhus aromatica var. trilobata–type lemonade berry seed C 1
Rhus aromatica var. trilobata–type lemonade berry seed U 1
ring porous–type ring porous wood C 2
Scirpus-type bulrush achene C 2
Scirpus-type bulrush achene U 3
semi-ring porous–type semi-ring porous charcoal C 1
Stipa hymenoides–type Indian ricegrass floret C 4
Yucca baccata–type datil yucca seed C 1
Zea mays maize, corn cob fragment C 9
Zea mays maize, corn cob fragment U 4
Zea mays maize, corn cob segment C 1
Zea mays maize, corn cupule C 41
Zea mays maize, corn cupule U 2
Zea mays maize, corn embryo C 1
Zea mays maize, corn kernel C 19
Zea mays maize, corn shank segment C 1
unknown botanical unknown bud C 7
unknown botanical unknown wood C 3
unknown botanical unknown fruit C 2
unknown botanical unknown fruit rind C 3
unknown botanical unknown leaf C 1
unknown botanical unknown organic material C 3
unknown botanical unknown seed C 8
unknown botanical unknown spine C 1
unknown botanical unknown twig C 1
unknown, Type A unknown, Type A wood C 1
unknown, Type 1 unknown, Type 1 seed C 1
unknown, Type 1 unknown, Type 1 seed U 2
unknown, Type 2 unknown, Type 2 seed U 1
unknown, Type 3 unknown, Type 3 seed C 1
termite termite fecal pellet C 2
unknown nonbotanical unknown nonbotanical bone C 1
unknown nonbotanical unknown nonbotanical bone U 5
unknown nonbotanical unknown nonbotanical fecal pellet C 2
unknown nonbotanical unknown nonbotanical fecal pellet U 4
unknown nonbotanical unknown nonbotanical insect part C 1
NOTE: The word "type" following a family, genus, or species designation indicates that the ancient botanical specimen is similar to the taxon named, but that other taxa in the area may also have similar-looking parts.
C = charred; P = partly charred; U = uncharred.

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