Archaeobotanical Remains
by Karen R. Adams, Kristin A. Kuckelman, and Vandy E. Bowyer
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Table 11. Taxa Represented in Two Rodent Seed Caches, Sand Canyon Pueblo
Taxon Part(s) Structure Sample Type
Reproductive Plant Parts
Cheno-am (Chenopodium/Amaranthus) seed Kiva 1004 F, M
Compositae-type achene Kiva 1004 F
Cruciferae-type seed Kiva 1004 F
Gramineae-type inflorescence Kiva 1004 F, M
Gramineae-type caryopsis Kiva 1004 F
Helianthus-type achene Kiva 1004 F
Opuntia (prickly pear)-type seed Kiva 1004 M
Physalis-type seed Kiva 1004 M
Physalis longifolia–type seed, berry Kiva 1004 F
Purshia-type seed Kiva 1004, Tower 1008 M
Rhus aromatica var. trilobata–type seed Kiva 1004 F, M
Zea mays kernel Kiva 1004 F
Unknown seed Kiva 1004 F
Unknown fruit Kiva 1004 F
Wood and Other Vegetative Parts
Artemisia tridentata–type   Kiva 1004 M
Chrysothamnus-type   Kiva 1004 M
Compositae-type flowering head Kiva 1004 M
Juniperus-type wood Kiva 1004 F, M
Juniperus-type twig Kiva 1004 F, M
Prunus/Rosa-type   Kiva 1004 M
Purshia-type leaves Kiva 1004 F
Zea mays cob Kiva 1004 M
NOTES: The word "type" following a family, genus, or species designation indicates that the ancient botanical specimen is similar to the taxon named, but that other taxa in the area may also have similar-looking parts. All specimens listed in this table are charred.
F = flotation sample; M = macrofossil sample.

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