"Architecture and Site Layout," by Melissa J. Churchill

Table 1. Kiva Architecture, Floor Features, and Floor Artifacts, Woods Canyon Pueblo

Structure No. Location Architecture Floor Data
Upper Lining Wall Bench Face Pilasters
De Facto Refuse
1-S canyon bottom earthen masonry not exposed pit bone tube
2-S canyon bottom not exposed not exposed not exposed hearths (2), sipapu with paho marks, pits (3) none exposed
3-S canyon bottom not exposed not exposed not exposed hearth, pit (possible sipapu) awl, core, projectile point
4-S east talus slope not exposed masonry masonry (2) pits (2) mano, abrader, awl, axe, partial/ reconstructible vessels (2)
5-S east talus slope not exposed not exposed not exposed human remains (10) metate, partial vessel
6-S rim complex not exposed not exposed not exposed hearth, deflector, pit mano
7-S upper west side not exposed masonry masonry (1) pits (7); one pit may be sipapu with paho mark awls (2), mano, bone scraper, stone disk
8-S upper west side not exposed masonry masonry; outline visible on modern ground surface hearth, wall (possible deflector) none exposed
9-S canyon bottom earthen part masonry; partly dismantled not exposed none exposed none exposed
13-S rim complex masonry* not exposed masonry (1)* floor not exposed floor not exposed
*Upper lining wall rests on top of pilasters, creating shelves/large niches.
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