"Artifacts," by Scott G. Ortman

Table 7. White Ware Pottery Sherd Counts by Type, Finish (Paint), and Temporal Component,
Woods Canyon Pueblo
Pottery Type Early Pueblo III Late Pueblo III
Carbon Paint
Mineral Paint

% Mineral Paint % of Total Carbon Paint
Mineral Paint

% Mineral Paint % of Total
Chapin Black-on-white             1 1 100.00 0.07
Cortez Black-on-white   1 1 100.00 0.05          
Mancos Black-on-white 14 61 75 81.33 4.07 16 51 67 76.12 4.84
McElmo Black-on-white 98 19 117 16.24 6.35 69 17 86 19.77 6.21
Mesa Verde Black-on-white 98 16 114 14.04 6.19 105 17 122 13.93 8.81
Early White Painted   1 1 100.00 0.05          
Pueblo II White Painted 2 2 4 50.00 0.22          
Pueblo III White Painted 1,106 147 1,253 11.73 67.99 746 128 874 14.65 63.10
Late White Painted 151 127 278 45.68 15.08 127 108 235 45.96 16.97
   TOTAL 1,469 374 1,843 20.29 100.00 1,063 322 1,385 23.25 100.00
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