"Chronology," by Melissa J. Churchill and Scott G. Ortman

Table 4. Frequencies and Distribution of Decorated White Wares by Section and Area, Woods Canyon Pueblo

Section and Area Study Unit Sample Size (N) Total Wt. (g) Mancos B/W McElmo B/W Mesa Verde B/W
Wt. (g) % by Wt. Wt. (g) % by Wt. Wt. (g) % by Wt.
Canyon Bottom
   Area 1 Structure 1-S
Nonstructure 4-N
Nonstructure 1-N
Structure 9-S
165 3,270.2 427.3 13.1 1,600.8 49.0 1,242.1 38.0
   Area 2 Structure 2-S
Structure 3-S
Nonstructure 5-N
142 2,499.2 529.7 21.2 1,219.2 48.8 750.3 30.0
      TOTAL 307 5,769.4 957.0 16.6 2,820.0 48.9 1,992.4 34.5
East Talus Slope
   Area 3 Structure 4-S
Nonstructure 8-N
44 913.0 53.6 5.9 479.5 52.5 379.9 41.6
   Area 4 Structure 5-S
Nonstructure 6-N
Nonstructure 11-N
100 3,535.1 439.9 12.4 914.3 25.9 2,180.9 61.7
      TOTAL 144 4,448.1 493.5 11.1 1,393.8 31.3 2,560.8 57.6
Upper West Side
   Area 5 Structure 7-S
Nonstructure 3-N
Nonstructure 10-N
98 2,024.3 389.1 19.2 609.0 30.1 1,026.2 50.7
   Area 6 Structure 8-S
Nonstructure 7-N
20 276.5 149.6 54.1 30.6 11.1 96.3 34.8
      TOTAL 90 2,300.8 538.7 23.4 639.6 27.8 1,122.5 48.8
Canyon Rim
   Area 7 Nonstructure 2-N
Nonstructure 9-N
Structure 6-S
19 438.9 29.0 6.6 85.8 19.5 324.1 73.8
      TOTAL 19 438.9 29.0 6.6 85.8 19.5 324.1 73.8
B/W = Black-on-white.
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