"Chronology," by Melissa J. Churchill and Scott G. Ortman

Table 5. Summary of Data Used to Assign Site Areas to Temporal Components, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Site Area Site Section Latest Tree-Ring Date (A.D.)a Structure Details Typed White Ware Sherdsb Temporal Component
Total N Total Wt. (g) % by Weight
Structure No. Architecture Roof Treatment Floor Assemblage Wt. (g) Mancos B/W McElmo B/W Mesa Verde B/W
1 canyon bottom 1157+vv 1-S earthen upper lining wall, masonry bench unburned, salvaged 9.3 165 3,270.2 13.1 49.0 38.0 early PIII
9-S earthen upper lining wall, masonry bench unburned, salvaged 9.4
2 canyon bottom   2-S ? unburned, salvaged 427.6 142 2,499.2 21.2 48.8 30.0 early PIII
3-S ? unburned, salvaged 88.6
3 east talus slope   4-S masonry bench and pilasters burned, salvaged 7,868.8 44 913.0 5.9 52.5 41.6 late PIII
4 east talus slope 1143vv 5-S ? burned, salvaged 10,378.7 100 3,535.1 12.4 25.9 61.7 late PIII
5 upper west side 1257+B 7-S masonry bench and pilaster burned, salvaged 3,021.4 98 2,024.3 19.2 30.1 50.7 late PIII
6 upper west side   8-S masonry bench and pilaster burned, salvaged 163.4 20 276.5 54.1 11.1 34.8 late PIII
7 canyon rim 1276vv 6-S ? unknown 742.1 19 438.9 6.6 19.5 73.8 late PIII
13-S masonry upper lining wall and pilaster unknown not tested
a Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research date symbols:
B = bark is present.
vv = there is no way of estimating how far the last ring is from the true outside; many rings may be lost.
+ = one or a few rings may be missing near the outside whose presence or absence cannot be determined because the series does not extend far enough to provide adequate cross dating.

b White ware sherds assigned to specific formal type (i.e., Mancos, McElmo, and Mesa Verde black-on-white). Sherds assigned to less-specific grouped types (e.g., Pueblo III White Painted) are excluded.
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