"Faunal Remains," by Jonathan C. Driver

Table 1. Number of Identified Specimens, Woods Canyon Pueblo

Taxon NISP
Unidentified snake 3
Galliformes (turkey, grouse) 3
Tetraonidae (grouse family) 1
Meleagris gallopavo (turkey) 245
Strigiformes (owls) 1
Corvidae (crow family) 1
Small bird 1
Medium bird 6
Large bird 399
Lagomorpha (rabbits, hares) 16
Lepus sp. (jackrabbit) 11
Sylvilagus sp. (cottontail) 201
Rodentia (rodents) 2
Sciuridae (squirrel family) 12
Eutamias sp. (chipmunk) 1
Spermophilus sp. (ground squirrel) 8
Spermophilus variegatus (rock squirrel) 2
Geomyidae (pocket gopher family) 14
Muridae (mouse family) 7
Peromyscus sp. (mouse) 1
Neotoma sp. (packrat or woodrat) 50
Microtus sp. (vole) 1
Erethizon dorsatum (porcupine) 1
Medium-size carnivore 7
Canidae (dog, coyote, wolf family) 21
Canis sp. (dog or coyote) 2
Lynx rufus (bobcat) 4
Artiodactyla (hoofed mammals) 2
Medium-size Artiodactyla (deer/sheep size) 2
Small mammal 24
Medium mammal 17
   Total Identified 1,066
   Total Unidentified 1,118
      GRAND TOTAL 2,184
All lagomorphs 228
Turkey/large bird 644
All artiodactyls 4
NISP = number of identified specimens.
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