"Human Skeletal Remains," by Cynthia S. Bradley

Table 1. Mortuary Information for Discrete Burials, Wood Canyon Pueblo
HRO No. Study Unit No. Study Unit Type Vertical Location Single/Multiple Interment Extension Body Position Grave Goods Intentionally Covered with Sediment Postmortem Bone Rotation/ Displacement
1 Structure
subterranean kiva floor multiple extended on back present: stone disc no absent
2 Structure
subterranean kiva floor multiple extended on back absent no rib cage; occipital? (part of cranium)
3 Structure
subterranean kiva floor multiple semiflexed on back absent no left lower leg
4 Structure
subterranean kiva floor multiple undetermined undetermined absent no right foot
5 Structure
subterranean kiva floor multiple extended on back possible: quartz no left, right femurs
6 Structure
subterranean kiva floor multiple undetermined undetermined absent no undetermined
7 Structure
subterranean kiva floor multiple undetermined undetermined possible: axe no undetermined
8 Structure
subterranean kiva floor multiple splayed on back absent no left femur; right leg
9 Structure
subterranean kiva floor multiple splayed on back absent no right leg
10 Structure
subterranean kiva floor multiple undetermined undetermined absent no undetermined
11 Nonstructure 6.3-N extramural surface on talus slope burial pit single semiflexed on back present: vessels yes absent
NOTE: "Undetermined" means that insufficient data were available, either because excavation was incomplete or because of the limitations imposed by in situ analysis.

HRO = Human Remains Occurrence.
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