"Human Skeletal Remains," by Cynthia S. Bradley

Table 3. Age and Sex of Discrete Individuals, Woods Canyon Pueblo

HRO No. Age Estimate Age Category a Sex
1 6 y +/- 2 y child indeterminate
2 11–12 y child indeterminate
3 29–31 y young adult female
4 20–35 y young adult undetermined
5 5 y +/- 16 m child indeterminate
6 20–35 y young adult possible female
7 20+ y adult undetermined
8 18 m +/- 6 m infant indeterminate
9 7–9 y child indeterminate
10 15–19 y adolescent indeterminate
11 10–13 y child indeterminate
NOTE: "Undetermined" means that insufficient data were available, either because excavation was incomplete or because of the limitations imposed by in situ analysis.

HRO = Human Remains Occurrence; y = years; m = months.

a Age categories are defined as follows (from Buikstra and Ubelaker 1994*1): fetal = before birth; infant = birth to 3 years; child = 3 to 12 years; adolescent = 12 to 20 years; young adult = 20 to 35 years; middle adult = 35 to 50 years; old adult = 50+ years; juvenile = 0 to 20 years; adult = 20+ years.
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