"Human Skeletal Remains," by Cynthia S. Bradley

Table 6. Skeletal Evidences of Injury and Activity in Discrete Burials, Woods Canyon Pueblo
HRO No. Burning Antemortem/ Perimortem Fracture Agent of Skeletal Trauma Osteoarthritis
1 absent absent na na
2 present: low intensity (left wrist) absent na na
3 present: low intensity (scapular spines, posterior right humerus head) perimortem natural present: mild
4 absent antemortem accidental injury absent
5 absent absent na na
6 absent absent na absent
7 absent absent na absent
8 absent absent na na
9 absent absent na na
10 present: low intensity (right ulna; possibly a stain) perimortem natural na
11 absent absent na na
NOTE: "Natural" agent of trauma refers to nonhuman source, for example, soil compression and structural collapse.

na = not applicable.
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