"Archaeobotanical Remains," by Shawn S. Murray and Nicole D. Jackman-Craig

Table 9. Presence of Charred Plant Remains in Flotation Samples from Late Pueblo II and Late Pueblo III Contexts, Yellow Jacket Pueblo
  Probable Late Pueblo II Contexts Great Tower Complex
(Late Pueblo III)
Number of Samples Analyzed 8 12
Taxon N   N
Wood Charcoal and Other Potential Fuels
Zea mays (cupule) 8 2
Juniperus osteosperma–type 7 8
Artemisia/A. tridentata–type 6 8
Amelanchier/Peraphyllum-type 3 6
Pinus edulis–type 3 1
Quercus/Q. gambelii–type 2 2
Zea mays (cob fragment) 2 0
Diffuse porous–type 1 2
Prunus/Rosa-type 1 1
Cercocarpus montanus–type 0 4
Purshia-type 0 2
Reproductive Parts
Chenopodium/Amaranthus-type utricle (cheno-am) 4 3
Zea mays kernel 3 0
Physalis-type seed 2 1
Portulaca-type seed 1 3
Scirpus-type achene 1 2
Echinocereus fendleri–type seed 1 1
Yucca baccata–type seed 1 0
Artemisia/A. tridentata–type achene 1 0
Sphaeralcea-type seed 1 0
Stipa hymenoides–type caryopsis 1 0
Quercus-type nutshell 0 1
Zea mays embryo 0 1
NOTE: The word "type" following a family, genus, or species designation indicates that the ancient botanical specimen is similar to the taxon named, but that other taxa in the area may also have similar-looking parts.

N = the number of flotation samples in which specimens were identified.
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