"Artifacts," by Scott G. Ortman

Table 7. Occupation Span Estimates for Sites Investigated as Part of the Site Testing Program
Site (Component) Number of Excavated Midden Test Units Wt. of Corrugated Gray Sherds per Midden Test Unit Number of Kiva Suites Occupation Span Midden Condition
Mean Wt. (g) Standard Deviation Point Estimate (years)* 80% Confidence Interval Range (years)*
Mad Dog Tower 6 218.1 105.3 1 9 4 intact
Troy's Tower 5 314.1 114.7 1 13 10 intact
G and G Hamlet (Pueblo II) 4 536.1 333.7 1 16 4 intact
G and G Hamlet (Pueblo III) 8 468.3 376.0 1 19 5 intact
Saddlehorn Hamlet 4 530.4 634.0 1 23 18 intact
Castle Rock Puebloa 11 697.3 677.2 16 33 17 intact
Lester's Site 13 497.3 446.8 2 31 15 intact
Lillian's Site 11 921.1 715.6 1 49 19 intact
Lookout House 11 429.4 581.2 2 25 21 intact
Catherine's Siteb 10 1,402.7 731.8 2 33 (67) 9 (19) intact
Roy's Ruin 10 456.4 390.4 1 62 23 plowed
Shorlene's Site 10 379.3 190.1 1 65 22 plowed
Stanton's Site 8 1,551.5 751.7 1 75 61 intact
Kenzie Dawn Hamlet (Late Pueblo III) 5 672.4 297.7 2 40 47 intact
aThese figures exclude one test unit (94N 133E) that encountered anomalous deposits.

bYears in parentheses assume sequential, as opposed to overlapping, occupation of kiva suites.

*Occupation span point estimates and confidence intervals from Varien (1999*1:Table 5.3).
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