"Artifacts," by Scott G. Ortman

Table 43. Objects of Personal Adornment, Yellow Jacket Pueblo
PD FS PL Artifact Category Condition Material Wt. (g) Study Unit Fill/Assemblage Position Fill/Assemblage Type
19 13   pendant complete slate/shale 2.1 Str 704 fill: not further specified mixed deposit: postabandonment and cultural refuse
31 42   pendant incomplete unknown bone 0.4 Nst 909 fill: not further specified cultural deposit: secondary refuse
35 36 19 pendant incomplete unknown quartzite 0.8 Str 704 fill: not further specified cultural deposit: secondary refuse
35 35 16 pendant complete unknown quartzite 1.9 Str 704 fill: not further specified cultural deposit: secondary refuse
35 29 6 bead complete Morrison chert/ siltstone 7.1 Str 704 fill: not further specified cultural deposit: secondary refuse
35 34 15 pendant complete slate/shale 2.7 Str 704 fill: not further specified cultural deposit: secondary refuse
39 3   pendant fragmentary unknown quartzite 1.4 AU 800 fill: not further specified construction deposit: not further specified
54 9 1 pendant incomplete Morrison chert/ siltstone 3.0 AU 800 fill: not further specified postabandonment deposit: not further specified
57 8 2 pendant fragmentary Morrison quartzite 0.5 AU 600 fill: not further specified mixed deposit: postabandonment and cultural refuse
63 7 7 pendant complete slate/shale 0.5 Str 704 fill: not further specified cultural deposit: secondary refuse
63 9 2 pendant incomplete slate/shale 0.4 Str 704 fill: not further specified cultural deposit: secondary refuse
70 10   tube fragmentary unknown bone 0.9 AU 600 fill: below a cultural surface mixed deposit: other
72 5 3 bead complete clay 1.3 Nst 606 fill: not further specified cultural deposit: secondary refuse
83 6 10 bead incomplete unknown bone 0.2 AU 800 fill: wall fall mixed deposit: postabandonment and cultural refuse
115 7 3 pendant incomplete unknown quartzite 1.0 Str 1203 fill: other mixed deposit: recent disturbance
178 11   pendant incomplete slate/shale 0.8 Str 1206 fill: other mixed deposit: recent disturbance
326 22   tube fragmentary large bird ulna 0.6 AU 300 fill: not further specified mixed deposit: recent disturbance
335 24 1 pendant complete sandstone 2.8 Nst 202 fill: not further specified cultural deposit: recently disturbed
341 10   bead complete unknown chert/ siltstone 0.2 Nst 103 fill: not further specified cultural deposit: recently disturbed
382 62   tube fragmentary unknown bone 0.6 Nst 401 fill: not further specified cultural deposit: recently disturbed
388 48   tube complete turkey radius 1.7 Nst 501 fill: not further specified cultural deposit: secondary refuse
400 2 1 pendant complete sandstone 1.5 Nst 402 fill: not further specified mixed deposit: postabandonment and cultural refuse
405 29 2 pendant fragmentary sandstone 1.4 Nst 404 fill: below a cultural surface cultural deposit: secondary refuse
405 44 4 tube incomplete turkey radius 2.4 Nst 404 fill: below a cultural surface cultural deposit: secondary refuse
405 23   pendant fragmentary sandstone 0.2 Nst 404 fill: below a cultural surface cultural deposit: secondary refuse
422 11 2 pendant complete sandstone 2.4 AU 2400 fill: not further specified mixed deposit: postabandonment and cultural refuse
422 19   tube fragmentary large bird ulna 1.8 AU 2400 fill: not further specified mixed deposit: postabandonment and cultural refuse
422 2   pendant fragmentary slate/shale 0.4 AU 2400 fill: not further specified mixed deposit: postabandonment and cultural refuse
432 41   pendant incomplete sandstone 1.4 Nst 302 fill: not further specified cultural deposit: recently disturbed
435 13   tube fragmentary unknown bone 0.3 Nst 103 fill: not further specified cultural deposit: recently disturbed
435 9 3 pendant incomplete slate/shale 1.8 Nst 103 fill: not further specified cultural deposit: recently disturbed
437 4   pendant fragmentary sandstone 2.0 AU 2500 fill: wall fall mixed deposit: postabandonment and cultural refuse
448 24   tube fragmentary unknown bone 0.5 Str 704 fill: roof fall collapsed structure with mixed refuse
457 2 5 pendant complete Morrison chert/ siltstone 2.1 Nst 202 fill: not further specified cultural deposit: recently disturbed
469 22   pendant complete slate/shale 0.7 Nst 303 fill: not further specified cultural deposit: recently disturbed
471 11   tube fragmentary unknown bone 0.7 Nst 201 fill: not further specified cultural deposit: secondary refuse
472 49   tube fragmentary large bird tibia 3.5 Nst 202 fill: not further specified cultural deposit: secondary refuse
474 17   tube fragmentary unknown bone 0.8 AU 200 fill: not further specified cultural deposit: not further specified
482 3 1 bead complete jet 0.2 Nst 102 fill: not further specified cultural deposit: secondary refuse
484 8   pendant fragmentary Morrison chert/ siltstone 2.5 Nst 2401 fill: not further specified cultural deposit: secondary refuse
492 25   tube fragmentary large bird tibia 1.4 AU 2500 fill: not further specified cultural deposit: secondary refuse
492 19   pendant fragmentary sandstone 1.4 AU 2500 fill: not further specified cultural deposit: secondary refuse
492 22   tube fragmentary unknown bone 1.0 AU 2500 fill: not further specified cultural deposit: secondary refuse
537 3 5 pendant complete sandstone 3.4 Str 1201 fill: other collapsed structure: other
603 39   pendant incomplete gypsum/ calcite/ barite 0.3 Str 204 fill: upper mixed deposit: postabandonment and cultural refuse
603 45   tube fragmentary unknown bone 3.1 Str 204 fill: upper mixed deposit: postabandonment and cultural refuse
603 2 2 tube complete large bird tibia 5.2 Str 204 fill: upper mixed deposit: postabandonment and cultural refuse
603 3 2 tube incomplete large bird tibia 2.6 Str 204 fill: upper mixed deposit: postabandonment and cultural refuse
603 4 2 tube fragmentary large bird ulna 1.7 Str 204 fill: upper mixed deposit: postabandonment and cultural refuse
603 5 2 tube fragmentary large bird tibia 1.9 Str 204 fill: upper mixed deposit: postabandonment and cultural refuse
603 12   bead   large bird ulna 1.0 Str 204 fill: upper mixed deposit: postabandonment and cultural refuse
604 14   bead complete slate/shale 0.2 Str 903 fill: lower cultural deposit: secondary refuse
671 6   bead complete unknown stone 0.0 AU 3200 fill: not further specified mixed deposit: not further specified
689 23   pendant incomplete Indeterminate Local Red, Painted   Str 204 fill: wall fall and roof fall collapsed structure: not further specified
730 3   tube fragmentary unknown bone 0.4 Nst 1217 fill: surface feature contents cultural deposit: primary refuse
801 67   tube fragmentary unknown bone 1.0 Nst 3203 fill: not further specified cultural deposit: secondary refuse
801 18   pendant fragmentary unknown quartzite 1.5 Nst 3203 fill: not further specified cultural deposit: secondary refuse
821 5   pendant fragmentary slate/shale 0.9 Nst 2605 fill: below a cultural surface construction deposit: refuse fill
PD = Provenience Designation; FS = Field Specimen; PL = Point Location; AU = Arbitrary Unit; Nst = Nonstructure; Str = Structure.
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