"Faunal Remains," by Robert J. Muir and Jonathan C. Driver

Table 12. Frequency of Major Faunal Taxa from Selected Pueblo III Sites in the Central Mesa Verde Region
Site NISP % of Combined Major Taxaa
Lagomorphs Turkey* Artiodactyls Total N Lagomorphs Turkey* Artiodactyls
Yellow Jacket Pueblo 1,485 1,103 236 2,824 52.6 39.0 8.4
Sand Canyon Pueblo 2,936 3,408 668 7,012 41.9 48.6 9.5
Woods Canyon Pueblo 227 645 4 876 25.9 73.6 0.5
Castle Rock Pueblo 1,004 695 56 1,755 57.2 39.6 3.2
NISP = number of identified specimens.

aMajor taxa = lagomorph + turkey + artiodactyl.

*Includes remains identified as turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) and large bird.
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