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Acknowledgments Crow Canyon's research at Yellow Jacket Pueblo and the resulting publications would not have been possible without the support of many individuals and organizations. Special thanks to the hundreds of students and adults who participated in Crow Canyon's research and education programs at Yellow Jacket Pueblo from 1995 through 1997. They provided essential funding for the project, supplied most of the labor during field excavations, and assisted with the processing and analysis of materials in the laboratory. Their enthusiasm, dedication, hard work, and interest in the past contributed significantly to the success of the project. Mapping of the site occurred on multiple parcels of land. The landowners of all these parcelsThe Archaeological Conservancy, Margory Gai, Jack Hawkins, Clem Honaker, James Honaker, Arthur Wilson, and Joe Tiptonallowed us to map the portions of the site that were located on their respective properties. Their generosity enabled us to create a more complete and accurate map of the site and to reach more comprehensive conclusions about the site as a whole. In addition, The Archaeological Conservancy and landowners Joe Tipton and Jack Hawkins permitted us to conduct excavations on their land, excavations that yielded the data upon which most of our inferences were based. Special thanks to Mark Michel and Jim Walker of The Archaeological Conservancy for their role in making our research at the site possible, for donating to the Anasazi Heritage Center all materials and documents resulting from our fieldwork, and for their ongoing role in preserving the site. Sincere thanks to Crow Canyon's Board of Trustees and Life Benefactors, as well as to the members of the President's Circle, Legacy Society, and Chairman's Council for their interest, encouragement, and important financial support. The following individuals served as board members during the course of fieldwork, analysis, and report preparation: Betsy M. Alexander, Charmay B. Allred, Sue Anschutz-Rodgers (chair, 2000-present), Richard G. Ballantine, Robert Beers, George W. Bermant, Margaret T. Bixler, Albert G. Boyce, Jr., Gene M. Bradley, Frank Cicero, Jr., John Colonghi, Robert W. Cox, Richard A. Davis, Wesley M. Dixon, Jr., Raymond T. Duncan (chair, 1985-1992), Wendy Fisher, Peggy V. Fossett, Leslie F. Goodwill-Cohen, Robert D. Greenlee, Bruce A. Grimes, Anne B. Grunau, William J. Huff, C. Paul Johnson (chair 1992-1998), Emily H. King, Karl F. Kumli III, Thomas P. Lanagan, Charles R. Larimore, Stephen H. Lekson, Ricky R. Lightfoot, William D. Lipe, Mark O. Lynton, Jack A. MacAllister, James M. McCaffery, W. Bruce Milne, Peter M. Pino, Nancy Clark Reynolds (chair, 1998-2000), Burton R. Rissman, Roberta Rubin, Michael D. Searle, Stuart Struever, Courtney Finch Taylor, Sidney J. Taylor (deceased), Scott R. Tipton, Gomer W. Walters (deceased), Gordon P. Wilson, and J. Stanley Yake. During the seven-year course of the Yellow Jacket project, the members of Crow Canyon's research committee supplied advice and enthusiasm as well as moral and financial support. Thanks to committee members Sue Anschutz-Rodgers, Wendy Benjamin, Robert Bryant, Delia Chilgren, Frank Cicero, Jr., Robert Cox, Barbara Creager, Nance Creager, Marjorie Crosby, Peter Decker, Jane Dillard, Sandra Edwards, Sidney Edwards, George Feldman, Timothy Finlay, Charles Fischer, Carole Gardner, Charlotte Gibson, David Gibson, Leslie F. Goodwill-Cohen, Diane Greenlee, Robert D. Greenlee, Alden Hayes, John Hopkins, William J. Huff, Kenneth Kinsman, Karl F. Kumli III, William D. Lipe, Robin Lyle, Pat Lyttle, Rena Martin, Neil McCallum, Jean McLaughlin, William McLaughlin, Lois Minium, Tito Naranjo, Stuart Patterson, Pete Peterson, Howard Poe, Nancy Clark Reynolds, Burton R. Rissman, Richard Schott, Irene Schulze, Lynette Seward, Donald Sprague, Porter Stone, Nancy Todd, Larry Tradlener, Sandy Tradlener, Ernest M. Vallo, Sr., Marta Wallace, Gomer W. Walters (deceased), Edward Wasson, Ronald White, Sharon White, Robert Wickham, and Gordon P. Wilson. The members of Crow Canyon's Native American advisory group provided thoughtful comments and insights on various aspects of our research at Yellow Jacket and reviewed the text of this report. In May 1995, a representative of the Hopi Office of Cultural Preservation and three members of the Hopi cultural advisory group visited Yellow Jacket Pueblo and shared their impressions of potentially sensitive features and their recommendations for our work at the site. The willingness of all these individuals to share their perspectives and to work toward a deeper understanding between Native Americans and Crow Canyon staff is deeply appreciated. Many Crow Canyon staff members contributed to the success of the Yellow Jacket project. The following individuals served as executive director or president of the organization during the years of fieldwork, analysis, and write-up: Gene M. Bradley, Bruce A. Grimes, and Ricky R. Lightfoot (current president). Their support and leadership are gratefully acknowledged. Richard Wilshusen, Ian (Sandy) Thompson, and Mark Varien served as the director of Crow Canyon's research at different times during the Yellow Jacket project. All three provided valuable advice and guidance as well as unflagging support. Richard developed the research design, obtained permission from landowners to carry out field research at the site, and conducted a collections search for artifacts, photographs, and written documentation from previous work at the site. Sandy was extremely supportive of the staff and the project, and was instrumental in the development of our electronic site reports. Special thanks to Mark, who filled in for me in the field when necessary and who, as research director, guided the project from the latter part of the fieldwork through the report-production phases. Many other staff members also contributed significantly to the success of the project. Heartfelt thanks to the energetic, conscientious, and dedicated field staff, including assistant project director Donna Glowacki; seasonal assistants Wes Bernardini, Brian Brownholtz, Mary Futrell, and Jim Potter; field interns Elizabeth Lane, Gina Marucci, Scott Slessman, Brendan Sullivan, Dana Wickner, and Steve Wolverton; and volunteers Carolyn Currie and Marty Koons. Thanks to Ricky Lightfoot, who helped with the initial site set-up in the weeks before we began excavations. The education staff provided excellent instruction to the students and adults who participated in our programs, and they supplied invaluable assistance to the field staff. A sincere thank you to education director Pam Wheat and her successor, Elaine Davis, and to staff educators Margie Connolly, Paul Ermigiotti, Herb Folsom, Sara Kelly, Tim Ketchum, Ken Lanik, Tony Littlejohn, Lew Matis, and Andrea Parkes. The research laboratory staff provided excellent technical and analytical support for the project. Thanks to laboratory director Melita Romasco and her successor, Scott Ortman; material culture specialists Chris Pierce and Scott Ortman; collections manager Jamie Merewether; database manager Carole Graham; laboratory assistants Adele Bigler, Bonnie Hildebrand, Joe Keleher, Robin Lyle, and Maggie Thurs; and numerous interns and volunteers. Research staff colleagues Mark Varien, Scott Ortman, and Andrew Duff contributed to the quality of this report by reviewing and commenting on the text. I am also indebted to research staff members Donna Glowacki and Susan Ryan, who input a great deal of field data into the Yellow Jacket database. Recognition is due the following individuals for their part in providing the excellent graphics in this publication and in the Yellow Jacket database. Neal Morris drafted the exceptional AutoCAD maps. Architect Charles "Pete" Peterson volunteered his talents to create the outstanding artist's reconstruction of the great tower complex "linked" to the chapter on architecture. Bonnie Hildebrand performed the tedious job of digitizing the hundreds of color slides for inclusion in the site database. This electronic report could not have been produced without the concerted effort of several talented and dedicated people. Editors Lynn Udick and Mary Etzkorn greatly improved the organization and readability of the interpretive sections, and Mary managed the report through the many steps of our editing and review process. Sandy Tradlener compiled the lists of references cited and formatted all text and tables in HTML, and Ginnie Dunlop formatted the figures. Director of publications Louise Schmidlap supervised the production process, and worked with director of information systems Lee Gripp and research database manager Scott Ortman to design and build various parts of the electronic component of the report. State Historical Fund grants from the Colorado Historical Society provided partial funding for the mapping of Yellow Jacket Pueblo, for the preparation and production of this report, and for the development and construction of the Yellow Jacket database. This funding was critical to the publication of this report and the accompanying database and is deeply appreciated. |
Copyright © 2003 by Crow Canyon Archaeological Center. All rights reserved. |