Date Range 1 (A.D. 535650)
Component 1 dates to early Basketmaker III based on an AMS dates on corn from an extramural feature (A.D. 575-645) and from Pitrooms 108 (A.D. 535-610) and 109 (A.D. 561-651).
Date Range 2 (A.D. 650720)
Component 2 dates to the late Basketmaker III period and is focused on Pithouse 111. Archaeomag dating of the hearth and AMS dating of corn on the floor and in the fill above of the pithouse indicate the structure was in use between A.D. 650 and 720.
Date Range 3 (A.D. 535720)
Component 3 spans the entire Basketmaker III periods and is reserved for deposits that can not be further delineated.
Date Range 4 (A.D. )
not applicable