Date Range 1 (A.D. 605650)
This component is based on a single double-chambered pithouse (Structure 103) identified as an electrical resistivity anamoly below a large late Basketmaker III roomblock (Structure 102). Corn from the buried pithouse was extracted with an auger. This corn produced an AMS date of A.D. 640-680.
Date Range 2 (A.D. 650725)
Component 2 represents the primary occupation of Windrow Ruin between A.D. 650 and 725. This is based on double-chambered pithouse morphology, surface pottery analysis, and AMS dates on corn extracted with auger tests from three buried structures.
Date Range 3 (A.D. 605725)
Component 3 includes both the middle and late Basketmaker III occupations. It is reserved for contexts that can not be further deliniated.
Date Range 4 (A.D. )
not applicable