Excavation Unit 1
Segment 1. Near the southwest end of pueblo in Architectural Block 800. North of and adjacent to Structure 800.
Selection Criteria
Judgmental. Selected to investigate the great kiva complex; exposed in the north-south trench that extended through the great kiva complex.
Excavation Strategy
Natural strata.
Unit Ends at
Fill continued. Excavation ended in subfloor constructional deposits in both Structures 806 and 807.
Study Unit(s) Associated with this Excavation Unit
Study Unit Type |
Study Unit Number |
Study Unit Description |
masonry surface structure
masonry surface structure
Arbitrary Unit
Excavation Unit 2
Segment 1. Near the southwest end of pueblo in Architectural Block 800. Adjacent to and north of Structure 807, a peripheral room of the great kiva.
Selection Criteria
Judgmental. Selected to investigate the great kiva complex; exposed in the east-west trench that extended through the great kiva complex.
Excavation Strategy
Natural strata.
Unit Ends at
Other. The last stratum excavated (Stratum C) may be constructional fill or undisturbed native sediment.
Study Unit(s) Associated with this Excavation Unit
Study Unit Type |
Study Unit Number |
Study Unit Description |
extramural surface
Excavation Unit 3
Segment 2. Near the southwest end of the pueblo in Architectural Block 800. Immediately north of Structure 800; northeast of Structure 813 (a peripheral room of the great kiva).
Selection Criteria
Judgmental. Selected to determine if a northern antechamber existed; tried to locate northwest corner of possible antechamber.
Excavation Strategy
Other. Full cut; two strata identified but not excavated separately.
Unit Ends at
Fill continued.
Study Unit(s) Associated with this Excavation Unit
Study Unit Type |
Study Unit Number |
Study Unit Description |
extramural surface
Excavation Unit 4
Segment 2. Near the southwest end of pueblo; Architectural Block 800. Adjacent to and west/northwest of the great kiva complex.
Selection Criteria
Judgmental. Part of the testing that occurred west of the great kiva complex.
Excavation Strategy
Natural strata.
Unit Ends at
Structure floor. Structure 814 floor in north end of unit. Structure 808 floor in part of unit; small subfloor test window taken to undisturbed native sediment in Structure 808.
Study Unit(s) Associated with this Excavation Unit
Study Unit Type |
Study Unit Number |
Study Unit Description |
aboveground kiva
masonry surface structure
Excavation Unit 5
Segment 1. Near the southwest end of pueblo, in the great kiva complex. Adjacent to and northwest of Structure 800; southwest of Structure 809, Segment 2.
Selection Criteria
Judgmental. Part of great kiva testing; every room in the great kiva complex identified at modern ground surface was tested.
Excavation Strategy
Natural strata.
Unit Ends at
Undisturbed native sediment.
Study Unit(s) Associated with this Excavation Unit
Study Unit Type |
Study Unit Number |
Study Unit Description |
masonry surface structure
Excavation Unit 6
Segment 2. Near the southwest end of the pueblo, in the great kiva complex. Adjacent to and northwest of Structure 800; northeast of Segment 1, Structure 809.
Selection Criteria
Judgmental. Part of great kiva testing. This unit was opened to determine if another room existed between Structures 809 and 813. Strategy involved identifying and following the interior face of northwest wall to see if a cross wall could be found. No cro
Excavation Strategy
Natural strata.
Unit Ends at
Fill continued. Only excavated part of uppermost stratum; excavations were halted when enough information had been collected to suggest no additional rooms were present in this area.
Study Unit(s) Associated with this Excavation Unit
Study Unit Type |
Study Unit Number |
Study Unit Description |
masonry surface structure
Excavation Unit 7
Segment 1. Near the southwest end of the pueblo in Architectural Block 800. Westernmost test unit in Structure 800. Immediately east of Structure 805, a great kiva peripheral room.
Selection Criteria
Judgmental. Part of the east-west trenching through the great kiva complex.
Excavation Strategy
Natural strata.
Unit Ends at
Fill continued.
Study Unit(s) Associated with this Excavation Unit
Study Unit Type |
Study Unit Number |
Study Unit Description |
aboveground kiva
Excavation Unit 8
Segment 2. Near the southwest end of pueblo in Architectural Block 800. Northernmost unit in Structure 800; south of Structure 806.
Selection Criteria
Judgmental. Selected to investigate the great kiva complex. Part of north-south trenching of the great kiva complex.
Excavation Strategy
Natural strata.
Unit Ends at
Undisturbed native sediment.
Study Unit(s) Associated with this Excavation Unit
Study Unit Type |
Study Unit Number |
Study Unit Description |
aboveground kiva
Excavation Unit 9
Segment 1 (Roughly a 2-x-1.5-m unit.). Near the southwest end of pueblo; Architectural Block 800. Adjacent to and west of great kiva.
Selection Criteria
Judgmental. Selected to investigate the great kiva complex; part of east-west trenching through the great kiva complex.
Excavation Strategy
Natural strata.
Unit Ends at
Fill continued. Fill beneath this nonstructure was provenienced as Structure 808 (kiva).
Study Unit(s) Associated with this Excavation Unit
Study Unit Type |
Study Unit Number |
Study Unit Description |
aboveground kiva
Excavation Unit 10
Segment 3. Near the southwest end of pueblo in Architectural Block 800. Easternmost test unit in Structure 800.
Selection Criteria
Judgmental. Selected to investigate the great kiva complex; part of the east-west trenching of the the great kiva complex.
Excavation Strategy
Natural strata.
Unit Ends at
Fill continued. Excavation ceased in subfloor constructional fill.
Study Unit(s) Associated with this Excavation Unit
Study Unit Type |
Study Unit Number |
Study Unit Description |
aboveground kiva
Excavation Unit 11
Segment 4. Near the southwest end of pueblo in Architectural Block 800. In the southeast quadrant of Structure 800; north of Structure 800, Segment 5.
Selection Criteria
Judgmental. Selected to investigate the great kiva complex; part of the north-south trenching of the great kiva complex.
Excavation Strategy
Natural strata.
Unit Ends at
Study Unit(s) Associated with this Excavation Unit
Study Unit Type |
Study Unit Number |
Study Unit Description |
aboveground kiva
Excavation Unit 12
Segment 5. Near the southwest end of pueblo in Architectural Block 800. Southernmost unit in Structure 800; south of Structure 800, Segment 4.
Selection Criteria
Judgmental. Selected to investigate the great kiva complex; part of the north-south trenching of the great kiva complex.
Excavation Strategy
Natural strata.
Unit Ends at
Study Unit(s) Associated with this Excavation Unit
Study Unit Type |
Study Unit Number |
Study Unit Description |
aboveground kiva
Excavation Unit 13
Segment 6 (1.5 x 2 m.). Near the southwest end of pueblo in Architectural Block 800. In the south-central portion of Structure 800.
Selection Criteria
Judgmental. To find central firebox of great kiva. Examination of the plan maps of a number of excavated kivas indicated that this was the probable location of such a feature.
Excavation Strategy
Natural strata.
Unit Ends at
Structure floor. Floor reached in entire excavation unit; subfloor test pit in northwest corner taken to undisturbed native sediment.
Study Unit(s) Associated with this Excavation Unit
Study Unit Type |
Study Unit Number |
Study Unit Description |
aboveground kiva
Excavation Unit 14
Segment 7 (Roughly 3 x 1 m.). Near the southwest end of pueblo in Architectural Block 800. In the northeast quadrant of Structure 800.
Selection Criteria
Judgmental. Selected to investigate the great kiva complex; part of the north-south trenching of the great kiva complex.
Excavation Strategy
Natural strata.
Unit Ends at
Other. Excavations ended near the base of a pillar (Feature 5) which may be resting either on fill or on native soil.
Study Unit(s) Associated with this Excavation Unit
Study Unit Type |
Study Unit Number |
Study Unit Description |
aboveground kiva
Excavation Unit 15
6-x-6 meter grid unit 1041N 1028E. West of main drainage and north of site-enclosing wall and Block 100. Northwest quadrant of Block 1600.
Selection Criteria
Judgmental. To define kiva and any associated rooms or midden deposits.
Excavation Strategy
Natural strata. After initial surface clearing, kiva walls were encountered but no associated rooms or midden deposits were identified. Excavation was then limited to a trench along east edge of unit.
Unit Ends at
Fill continued. Excavation ended in fill in most of the unit; trench along east edge of unit was excavated to bedrock.
Study Unit(s) Associated with this Excavation Unit
Study Unit Type |
Study Unit Number |
Study Unit Description |
kiva, type unknown
Excavation Unit 16
6-x-6 meter grid unit 1035N 1034E. West of main drainage and north of site enclosing wall and Block 100. Southeast quadrant of Block 1600.
Selection Criteria
Judgmental. To define kiva and any associated rooms or midden deposits.
Excavation Strategy
Natural strata. After initial surface clearing, kiva walls were encountered but no associated rooms or midden deposits were identified. Excavation was then limited to southeast quarter of kiva (Structure 1601) and two trenches along north and west edges o
Unit Ends at
Other. Excavation ended in fill in most of the unit; kiva (Structure 1601) was found in northwest corner of unit and excavated to bedrock. The trench along the west edge of the unit was excavated to bedrock. Fill continued in north trench.
Study Unit(s) Associated with this Excavation Unit
Study Unit Type |
Study Unit Number |
Study Unit Description |
kiva, type unknown