Elevation |
6320' (1926 m)
General Topographic Description |
The Dillard site is located on a low lying north-south trending ridgetop bounded on the east and west by small south flowing head drainages. These drainages along with the larger drainages of Alkali Canyon to the west and Crow Canyon to the east, all flow south several kilometers to Montezuma Creek. The vicinity consists of gently rolling uplands formed on the top of the Dakota Sandstone. These uplands are covered eolian silt loam approximately 1.25 m thick. These eolian soils were heavily farmed by early Puebloans of the Mesa Verde culture, and are farmed commercially today.
Perennial Water Source(s) |
McElmo Creek, 2470 m to the south, is the only permanent water source in the area.
Intermittent |
Local seeps or Alkalai Canyon 350 m to the west.
Water-Impoundment Features |