"Archaeobotanical Remains," by Katharine D. Rainey and Sandra Jezik

Table 18. Assignment of Sections and Contexts to Early and Late Components,
Woods Canyon Pueblo



Flotation Samples (N) Macrofossil Samples (N)
Early canyon bottom 27 0
Late upper west side, rim complex, east talus slope 31 0

Specifically Dated Contextsb

Flotation Samples (N) Macrofossil Samples (N)
Early Nonstructures 4.3-N, 4.5-N, 5.4-N, 5.6-N, 5.8-N 1 7
Late Nonstructures 2-N, 2.4-N, 2.6-N; Structure 7-S 5 11
a Assigned to early and late components on the basis of tree-ring, pottery, architectural, stratigraphic, abandonment, and structure-location data. See "Chronology."

b Nonstructures assigned to early and late components on the basis of pottery types and stratigraphy; Structure 7-S assigned on the basis of a tree-ring cutting date of A.D. 1257.

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