

The following resources were consulted in the preparation of this chronology. They are listed by time period, cultural group, and/or topic to assist readers who wish to further explore the history of the Mesa Verde region.

(Internet resources may be accessed by clicking on the Web links provided. Crow Canyon is not responsible for the content or functionality of these Web sites. URLs that are not linked indicate Web sites that were consulted in the preparation of this work but that no longer exist.)

Paleoindian–Pueblo III Periods

Lipe, William D., Mark D. Varien, and Richard H. Wilshusen (editors)
1999    Colorado Prehistory: A Context for the Southern Colorado River Basin. Colorado Council of Professional Archaeologists, Denver.

Paleoindian Period

Center for the Study of the First Americans
2009    Who Were the First Americans?, at

Dixon, E. James
1999    Bones, Boats, and Bison: Archeology and the First Colonization of Western North America. University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque.

Dold, Catherine
2005    Stiger's Very Old House: Alumnus Rewrites Ancient North American History. Coloradan, March 2005:16–17.

Mulligan, Connie J., and Andrew Kitchen
2010    Three Stages in the Evolution of Native American Genetic Diversity. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, Annual Meeting Issue, Supplement 50:174.

Stiger, Mark
2006    A Folsom Structure in the Colorado Mountains. American Antiquity 71:321–351.

Archaic Period

Huber, Edgar K.
2005    Early Maize at the Old Corn Site (LA 137258). In Fence Lake Project: Archaeological Data Recovery in the New Mexico Transportation Corridor and First Five-year Permit Area, Fence Lake Coal Mine Project, Catron County, New Mexico, Volume  4, Synthetic Studies and Summary, pp. 36.1–36.33, edited by Edgar K. Huber and Carla R. Van West. Statistical Research, Tucson.

Huckell, Bruce B.
1996    The Archaic Prehistory of the North American Southwest. Journal of World Prehistory 10(3):305–373.

Matson, R. G.
2006    What Is Basketmaker II? Kiva 72:149–165. (Figure 2 contains information on the Archaic period.)

Matsuoka, Yoshihiro, Yves Vigouroux, Major M. Goodman, Jesus G. Sanchez, Edward Buckler, and John Doebley
2002    A Single Domestication for Maize Shown by Multilocus Microsatellite Genotyping. Proceedings of the National Academy of the Sciences, vol. 99, no. 9:6080–6084. At

Merrill, William L., Robert J. Hard, Jonathan B. Mabry, Gayle J. Fritz, Karen R. Adams, John R. Roney, and A.C. MacWilliams
2009    The Diffusion of Maize to the Southwestern United States and Its Impact. Proceedings of the National Academy of the Sciences, vol. 106, no. 50:21019–21026, Table S.3. At

Piperno, D. R., and K. V. Flannery
2001    The Earliest Archaeological Maize (Zea mays L.) from Highland Mexico: New Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Dates and Their Implications. Proceedings of the National Academy of the Sciences, vol. 98, no. 4:2101–2103. At

Western State College of Colorado
2011    Archaeology of the Gunnison Area, at

Basketmaker II Period

Charles, Mona C., and Sally J. Cole
2006    Chronology and Cultural Variation in Basketmaker II. Kiva 72:167–216.

Charles, Mona C., Leslie M. Sesler, and Timothy D. Hovezak
2006    Understanding Eastern Basketmaker II Chronology and Migrations. Kiva 72:217–238.

Coltrain, Joan Brenner, Joel C. Janetski, and Shawn W. Carlyle
2006    The Stable and Radio-Isotope Chemistry of Eastern Basketmaker and Pueblo Groups in the Four Corners Region of the American Southwest: Implications for Anasazi Diets, Origins, and Abandonments in Southwestern Colorado. In Histories of Maize: Multidisciplinary Approaches to the Prehistory, Linguistics, Biogeography, Domestication, and Evolution of Maize, edited by John Staller, Robert Tykot, and Bruce Benz, pp. 275–287. Academic Press, Burlington, Massachusetts.

Guernsey, Samuel J., and Alfred V. Kidder
1921       Basket-Maker Caves of Northern Arizona: Report on the Explorations, 1916–1917. Papers of the Peabody Museum of American Archaeology and Ethnology, vol. 8, no. 2. Harvard University, Cambridge.

Hovezak, Timothy D., and Leslie M. Sesler
2006    New Data on Northwest New Mexico's Los Pinos Phase: A Classic Basketmaker II Occupation? Kiva 72:239–257.

Kemp, Brian, Scott Wyatt, Camilla Speller, William Lipe, Cara Monroe, and Dongya Yang
2010    Origins of Southwestern Domestic Turkey. Washington State University, Pullman. At

Lister, Florence C.
1997    Prehistory in Peril: The Worst and Best of Durango Archaeology. University Press of Colorado, Niwot, Colorado.

Matson, R. G.
2006    What Is Basketmaker II? Kiva 72:149–165.

Morris, Earl H., and Robert F. Burgh
1954    Basket Maker II Sites Near Durango, Colorado. Publication, no. 604. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C.

Nott, Breanne M.
2010    Documenting Domestication: Molecular and Palynological Analysis of Ancient Turkey Coprolites from the American Southwest. Unpublished M.S. thesis, Washington State University, Pullman. At

Pollock, Katherine H.
2001    Pits Without Pots: Basketmaker II Houses and Lithics of Southeastern Utah. Unpublished Master's thesis, Department of Anthropology, Washington State University, Pullman.

Reed, Alan D.
2012    A Radiocarbon Date for the Tamarron Site (5LP326): A Basketmaker II Habitation in the Animas Valley. Southwestern Lore 78(3):17–24.

Speller, Camilla F., Brian M. Kemp, Scott D. Wyatt, Cara Monroe, William D. Lipe, Ursula M. Arndt, and Dongya Y. Yang
2010    Ancient Mitochondrial DNA Analysis Reveals Complexity of Indigenous North American Turkey Domestication. Proceedings of the National Academy of the Sciences, vol. 107, no. 7:2807–2812. At

Basketmaker III Period

Brisbin, Joel M., and Mark D. Varien
1986    Excavations at Tres Bobos Hamlet (Site 5MT4545), a Basketmaker III Habitation. In Dolores Archaeological Program: Anasazi Communities at Dolores: Early Anasazi Sites in the Sagehen Flats Area, compiled by Allen E. Kane and G. Timothy Gross, pp. 118–210. Bureau of Reclamation, Engineering and Research Center, Denver.

Hayes, Alden C., and James A. Lancaster
1975    Badger House Community, Mesa Verde National Park. Publications in Archeology, no. 7E. National Park Service, Washington, D.C.

Pueblo I Period

Breternitz, David A., Christine K. Robinson, and G. Timothy Gross (compilers)
1986    Dolores Archaeological Program: Final Synthetic Report. Bureau of Reclamation, Engineering and Research Center, Denver.

Lightfoot, Ricky R., and Mary C. Etzkorn (editors)
1993    The Duckfoot Site, Volume 1: Descriptive Archaeology. Occasional Papers, no. 3. Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, Cortez, Colorado.

Pueblo II Period

Lipe, William D.
2004    The Mesa Verde Region: Chaco's Northern Neighbor. In In Search of Chaco Canyon, edited by David Grant Noble, pp. 107–115. School of American Research Press, Santa Fe.

Morris, James N.
1986    Monitoring and Excavation at Aulston Pueblo (Site 5MT2433), a Pueblo II Habitation Site. Four Corners Archaeological Project Report, no. 6. Complete Archaeological Service Associates, Cortez, Colorado.

Muir, Robert J., and Jonathan C. Driver
2002    Scale of Analysis and Zooarchaeological Interpretation: Pueblo III Faunal Variation in the Northern San Juan Region. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 21(2):165–199.

Munro, Natalie D.
1994    An Investigation of Anasazi Turkey Production in Southwestern Colorado. Unpublished M.A. thesis, Department of Anthropology, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada.

Walenceus, Lisa
2010    ND Grad Kyle Bocinsky Researches Mystery of Ancient Puebloans. Alumni Faculty News, College of Arts and Letters, University of Notre Dame. At

Pueblo III Period

Bocinsky, Ronald Kyle
2011    Is a Bird in Hand Really Worth Two in the Bush? Models of Turkey Domestication on the Colorado Plateau. Unpublished M.A. thesis, Department of Anthropology, Washington State University, Pullman. At

Duff, Andrew I., Karen R. Adams, and Susan C. Ryan
2010    The Impact of Long-Term Residential Occupation of Community Centers on Local Plant and Animal Resources. In Leaving Mesa Verde: Peril and Change in the Thirteenth-Century Southwest, edited by Timothy A. Kohler, Mark D. Varien, and Aaron M. Wright, pp. 156–179. Amerind Studies in Archaeology, vol. 5. University of Arizona Press, Tucson.

Kuckelman, Kristin A.
2010    Catalysts of the Thirteenth-Century Depopulation of Sand Canyon Pueblo and the Central Mesa Verde Region. In Leaving Mesa Verde: Peril and Change in the Thirteenth-Century Southwest, edited by Timothy A. Kohler, Mark D. Varien, and Aaron M. Wright, pp. 180–199. Amerind Studies in Archaeology, vol. 5. University of Arizona Press, Tucson.

Ortman, Scott G.
2010    Evidence of a Mesa Verde Homeland for the Tewa Pueblos. In Leaving Mesa Verde: Peril and Change in the Thirteenth-Century Southwest, edited by Timothy A. Kohler, Mark D. Varien, and Aaron M. Wright, pp. 222–261. Amerind Studies in Archaeology, vol. 5. University of Arizona Press, Tucson.

Schollmeyer, Karen G., and Jonathan C. Driver
2013    Settlement Patterns, Source-Sink Dynamics, and Artiodactyl Hunting in the Prehistoric U.S. Southwest. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 20(3):448–478.

Speller, Camilla F., Brian M. Kemp, Scott D. Wyatt, Cara Monroe, William D. Lipe, Ursula M. Arndt, and Dongya Y. Yang
2010    Ancient Mitochondrial DNA Analysis Reveals Complexity of Indigenous North American Turkey Domestication. Proceedings of the National Academy of the Sciences, vol. 107, no. 7:2807–2812. At

Van West, Carla R.
1994    Modeling Prehistoric Agricultural Productivity in Southwestern Colorado: A GIS Approach. Reports of Investigations, no. 67. Department of Anthropology, Washington State University, Pullman, and Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, Cortez, Colorado.

Post-Pueblo–Historic Periods

Architect of the Capitol
2008    Po′Pay, at

Gilpin, Dennis, Susan E. Perlman, Louise M. Senior, and Lynn A. Neal (preparers)
2002    Cultural Affiliation Study for Canyons of the Ancients National Monument, Southwest Colorado. Two Rivers Consultants, Nashville, Tennessee, and SWCA Environmental Consultants, Flagstaff, Arizona. Report submitted to the Bureau of Land Management, Canyons of the Ancients National Monument, Anasazi Heritage Center, Dolores, Colorado.

Sando, Joe S.
1979    The Pueblo Revolt. In Southwest, edited by Alfonso Ortiz, pp. 194–197. Handbook of North American Indians, vol. 9. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.

1992    Pueblo Nations: Eight Centuries of Pueblo Indian History. Clear Light Press, Santa Fe.

Simmons, Marc
1979    History of Pueblo-Spanish Relations to 1821. In Southwest, edited by Alfonso Ortiz, pp. 178–193. Handbook of North American Indians, vol. 9. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.

Wilson, Gordon P. (with contributions by Leslie Cohen, Carole Gardner, Stu Patterson, and Chris Turnbow)
2007    Guide to Ceramic Identification: Northern Rio Grande Valley and Galisteo Basin to AD 1700. Technical Series Bulletin, no. 12. 2nd ed. Laboratory of Anthropology, Santa Fe.

Callaway, Donald, Joel Janetski, and Omer C. Stewart
1986    Ute. In Great Basin, edited by Warren L. D'Azevedo, pp. 336–367. Handbook of North American Indians, vol. 11. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.

Ellis, Richard N.
1996    The Utes, at

2000    The Ute Indians in Southern Colorado Since 1850. In Ute Indian Arts and Culture from Prehistory to the New Millennium, edited by William Wroth, pp. 73–87. Taylor Museum of the Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center, Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Goss, James A.
2000    Traditional Cosmology, Ecology and Language of the Ute Indians. In Ute Indian Arts and Culture from Prehistory to the New Millennium, edited by William Wroth, pp. 27–52. Taylor Museum of the Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center, Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Greubel, Rand A.
1999    The Spatial Organization of Activities at Two Ute Sites in the Southern Rocky Mountains. Paper presented at the Rocky Mountain Anthropological Conference, Glenwood Springs, Colorado.

Loosle, Byron, and Michelle Knoll
2003    Fremont Numic Traditions. Paper presented at the Rocky Mountain Anthropological Conference, Estes Park, Colorado. At

McPherson, Robert S., and Mary Jane Yazzie
2008    The White Mesa Utes. In Utah's Native Americans, at
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Reed, Alan D., and Michael D. Metcalf
1999    Colorado Prehistory: A Context for the Northern Colorado River Basin. Colorado Council of Professional Archaeologists, Denver.

Southern Ute Indian Tribe
2008    Official Web site of the Southern Ute Indian Tribe, at

Ute Mountain Ute Tribe
2008    Official Web site of the Ute Mountain Ute Tribe, at

Wroth, William
2000    Ute Civilization in Prehistory and the Spanish Colonial Period. In Ute Indian Arts and Culture from Prehistory to the New Millennium, edited by William Wroth, pp. 53–72. Taylor Museum of the Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center, Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Adams, William Y.
1963    Shonto: A Study in the Role of the Trader in a Modern Navaho Community. Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin, no. 188. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.

Anschuetz, Kurt F., and Richard H. Wilshusen
2011    Ensouled Places: Ethnogenesis and the Making of the Dinétah and Tewa Basin Landscapes. In Movement, Connectivity, and Landscape Change in the Ancient Southwest, edited by Margaret C. Nelson and Colleen Strawhacker, pp. 321–344. University Press of Colorado, Boulder.

Brugge, David M.
1983    Navajo Prehistory and History to 1850. In Southwest, edited by Alfonso Ortiz, pp. 489–501. Handbook of North American Indians, vol. 10. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.

Bureau of Land Management
n.d.      Of Stone and Stories: Pueblitos of Dinétah, at

Dice, Michael, and Leslie M. Sesler
2002    Site LA72746. In Archaeological Investigations in the Fruitland Project Area: Late Archaic, Basketmaker, Pueblo I, and Navajo Sites in Northwestern New Mexico, Volume IV: The Early Navajo Sites, Parts I and II: The Dinétah Phase Sites, compiled by Timothy D. Hovezak and Leslie M. Sesler, pp. 35–94. La Plata Archaeological Consultants Research Papers, no. 4. La Plata Archaeological Consultants, Dolores, Colorado.

Froeschauer-Nelson, Peggy
1998    Cultural Landscape Report: Hubbell Trading Post National Historic Site, Ganado, Arizona. Cultural Resources Selections, no. 14. Intermountain Region, National Park Service, Santa Fe.

Gill, Sam D.
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Gunnerson, James H.
1979    Southern Athapaskan Archeology. In Southwest, edited by Alfonso Ortiz, pp. 162–169. Handbook of North American Indians, vol. 9. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.

Hovezak, Timothy D., and Leslie M. Sesler
2002    Patterns in Prehistoric, Protohistoric and Early Historic Architecture in New Mexico's Upper San Juan Basin. In Archaeological Investigations in the Fruitland Project Area: Late Archaic, Basketmaker, Pueblo I, and Navajo Sites in Northwestern New Mexico, Volume V: Material Culture, Bioarchaeological and Special Studies, compiled by Timothy D. Hovezak and Leslie M. Sesler, pp. 265–306. La Plata Archaeological Consultants Research Papers, no. 4. La Plata Archaeological Consultants, Dolores, Colorado.

Hovezak, Timothy D., and Leslie M. Sesler
2002    Prehistoric and Protohistoric Lithic Technologies in the Fruitland Study Area. In Archaeological Investigations in the Fruitland Project Area: Late Archaic, Basketmaker, Pueblo I, and Navajo Sites in Northwestern New Mexico, Volume V: Material Culture, Bioarchaeological and Special Studies, compiled by Timothy D. Hovezak and Leslie M. Sesler, pp. 49–185. La Plata Archaeological Consultants Research Papers, no. 4. La Plata Archaeological Consultants, Dolores, Colorado.

Legends of America
2008    Native American Legends: Navajo Long Walk to the Bosque Redondo, at

Roessel, Robert A., Jr.
1983    Navajo History, 1850–1923. In Southwest, edited by Alfonso Ortiz, pp. 506–523. Handbook of North American Indians, vol. 10. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.

Senator Jeff Bingaman's official Web site
2008    Navajo Code Talkers, at

Sesler, Leslie M., Timothy D. Hovezak, and Richard H. Wilshusen
2000    Cultural Landscape of Dinétah: The Navajo Occupation of Frances Mesa. In Frances Mesa Alternative Treatment Project, compiled by Richard H. Wilshusen, Timothy D. Hovezak, and Leslie M. Sesler, pp. 159–253. La Plata Archaeological Consultants Research Papers, no. 3, vol. I. La Plata Archaeological Consultants, Dolores, Colorado.

Towner, Ronald H.
1996    The Pueblito Phenomenon: A New Perspective on Post-Revolt Navajo Culture. In The Archaeology of Navajo Origins, edited by Ronald H. Towner, pp. 149–170. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City.

Towner, Ronald H., and Jeffrey S. Dean
1992    LA 2298: The Oldest Pueblito Revisited. Kiva 57:315–329.

Arce, Antonio
2006    Dominquez and Escalante Expedition Year 1776. Uintah Basin Teaching American History. At

McDonald, Jarom (editor)
n.d.      Diario y Derrotero: The Itinerary and Diary of Francisco Atanasio Domínguez and Francisco Silvestre Vélez de Escalante. Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities, Early Americas Digital Archive. At

Old Spanish Trail Association
2007    Web site of the Old Spanish Trail Association, at

Warner, Ted J. (editor)
1976    The Dominguez-Escalante Journal: Their Expedition Through Colorado, Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico in 1776. Translated by Fray Angelico Chavez. Brigham Young University Press, Provo, Utah.

Other Peoples of European Descent:
Horn, Jonathan C.
2004    Landscape-Level History of the Canyons of the Ancients National Monument, Montezuma and Dolores Counties, Colorado. Alpine Archaeological Consultants. At

Background Information and Information About Multiple Cultural Groups:
Archuleta, Margaret L., Brenda J. Child, and K. Tsianina Lomawaima (editors)
2000    Away from Home: American Indian Boarding School Experiences, 1879–2000. Heard Museum, Phoenix.

Arizona State University
2007    Bibliography of Indian Boarding Schools: Approximately 1875 to 1940, at

Dykeman Roebuck Archaeology
2008    Southwestern Cultures, at

Native American Public Telecommunications
2006    Indian Boarding Schools. Indian Country Diaries series. At

Washburn, Wilcomb E. (editor)
1988    History of Indian-White Relations. Handbook of North American Indians, vol. 4. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.


Cornell University Law School Legal Information Institute
2008    American Indian Law, at

Demographic Information:
2008    At

Colorado State Demography Office
2008    Colorado State Demography Web site, at

2007    ePodunk Web site, at

Farmington Chamber of Commerce
2008    Farmington New Mexico Demographics, at

La Plata Economic Development Action Partnership
2008    La Plata County Government, at

New Mexico Tourism Department
2008    Pueblos, Tribes, Nations, at

U.S. Census Bureau
2008    State and County Quick Facts, at

American Indian Web Sites:
Acoma Pueblo,

Cochiti Pueblo,


Isleta Pueblo,

Jemez Pueblo,

Laguna Pueblo,

Pojoaque Pueblo,

Sandia Pueblo,

Santa Ana Pueblo,

Taos Pueblo,

Zuni Pueblo,

Indian Pueblo Cultural Center, (this Web site provides information about all 19 New Mexico pueblos)

Southern Ute,

Ute Mountain Ute,
