Go to Table of Contents.
List of Tables
List of Illustrations
Research Objectives and Methods
Architecture and Site Layout
Population Estimates
Faunal Remains
Archaeobotanical Remains
Human Skeletal Remains
Water Control and Subsistence
Abandonment and Emigration
Appendix A


"Architecture and Site Layout," by Melissa J. Churchill
Table 1. Kiva Architecture, Floor Features, and Floor Artifacts, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 2. Rooms with Standing Walls in Lower Portion of Rim Complex, Woods Canyon Pueblo

"Chronology," by Melissa J. Churchill and Scott G. Ortman
Table 1. Tree-Ring Dates for Structures at Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 2. Pottery Counts and Weights for Entire Site, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 3. Frequencies of Decorated White Ware Pottery, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 4. Frequencies and Distribution of Decorated White Wares by Section and Area, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 5. Summary of Data Used to Assign Site Areas to Temporal Components, Woods Canyon Pueblo

"Population Estimates," by Melissa J. Churchill
Table 1. Momentary Population Estimates by Temporal Component, Woods Canyon Pueblo

"Artifacts," by Scott G. Ortman
Table 1. Assignment of Study Units to Site Area, Section, and Temporal Component, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 2. Summary of Data Used to Assign Site Areas to Temporal Components, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 3. Tree-Ring-Dated Collections of Rim Sherds from White Ware Bowls, Southwestern Colorado
Table 4. Calibration Dataset for White Ware Bowl Rims
Table 5. Pottery Sherd Counts by Temporal Component, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 6. Pottery Sherd Weights by Temporal Component, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 7. White Ware Pottery Sherd Counts by Type, Finish (Paint), and Temporal Component, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 8. White Ware Pottery Sherd Weights by Type, Finish (Paint), and Temporal Component, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 9. Pottery Sherd Counts by Ware, Form, and Temporal Component, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 10. Pottery Sherd Weights by Ware, Form, and Temporal Component, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 11. Rim Sherd Counts by Type and Temporal Component, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 12. Rim Sherd Weights by Type and Temporal Component, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 13. Rim Sherd Counts by Type, Finish (Paint), and Temporal Component, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 14. Rim Sherd Weights by Type, Finish (Paint), and Temporal Component, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 15. Results of Reanalysis of a Sample of Bowl Rims, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 16. Rim Sherd Counts by Ware, Form, and Temporal Component, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 17. Rim Sherd Weights by Ware, Form, and Temporal Component, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 18. Modified and Shaped Sherds by Pottery Type and Temporal Component, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 19. Modified and Shaped Sherds by Ware, Form, and Temporal Component, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 20. Pottery Vessel Analysis Data, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 21. Provenience and Archaeological Context of Pottery Vessels, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 22. Summary of Corrugated Rim Sherd Measurements, Woods Canyon and Yellow Jacket Pueblos
Table 23. Exterior Paint on Rim Sherds from White Ware Bowls
Table 24. Evidence of Pottery Production, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 25. Evidence of Pottery Production, by Study Unit, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 26. Temper in White Ware Bowls, Woods Canyon and Yellow Jacket Pueblos
Table 27. Temper in Corrugated Gray Ware Jars, Woods Canyon and Yellow Jacket Pueblos
Table 28. Counts of Chipped-Stone Tools by Raw Material and Temporal Component, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 29. Percentages of Chipped-Stone Tools by Raw Material, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 30. Chipped-Stone Debris by Raw Material and Cortex Category, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 31. Chipped-Stone Debris by Raw Material, Cortex Category, and Size Grade, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 32. Chipped-Stone Debris by Raw Material, Temporal Component, and Size Grade, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 33. Counts and Weights of Chipped-Stone Debris by Raw Material and Temporal Component, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 34. Percentages of Chipped-Stone Debris by Raw Material and Temporal Component, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 35. Chipped-Stone Raw Materials, by Component and Cortex Category, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 36. Projectile Points and Bifaces, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 37. Bifaces and Projectile Points by Type and Raw Material, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 38. Bifaces and Projectile Points by Raw Material and Production Stage, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 39. Ground-Stone Tools by Site Section and Temporal Component, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 40. Ground-Stone Tools by Raw Material, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 41. Ground-Stone Tools by Condition, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 42. Polished Igneous Stones and Polishing/Hammerstones, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 43. Analysis Data for Axes and Mauls, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 44. Provenience and Archaeological Context of Axes and Mauls, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 45. Other Stones and Minerals, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 46. Other Stones and Minerals by Material Type and Modification, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 47. Bone Tools, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 48. Bone Tools by Taxon, Element, and Temporal Component, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 49. Objects of Nonlocal Material, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 50. Densities of Nonlocal Objects, Woods Canyon and Castle Rock Pueblos
Table 51. Objects of Personal Adornment, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 52. Objects of Personal Adornment by Material and Temporal Component, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 53. Floor Assemblages in Tested Kivas, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 54. Counts of Common Artifacts by Site Area, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 55. Percents of Common Artifacts by Site Area, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 56. Summary of Tested Kivas, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 57. Comparison of Artifact Densities in Kiva Fill and Roof-Fall Deposits, by Temporal Component, Depostional Setting, and Test Pit Location, Woods Canyon Pueblo

"Faunal Remains," by Jonathan C. Driver
Table 1. Number of Identified Specimens, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 2. Frequency of Selected Taxa by Location, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 3. Pueblo III Assemblages with More than 200 Specimens of Lagomorph and Turkey/Large Bird, Central Mesa Verde Region

"Archaeobotanical Remains," by Katharine D. Rainey and Sandra Jezik
Table 1. Distribution and Contexts of Analyzed Flotation and Macrofossil Samples, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 2. Distribution of Flotation and Macrofossil Samples, by Deposit Type, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 3. List of Plant Taxa and Parts in Charred and Uncharred Condition in Flotation and Macrofossil Samples, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 4. Presence of Charred and Uncharred Plant Parts, by Sample Type, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 5. Presence of Charred Reproductive Plant Parts in Flotation and Macrofossil Samples, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 6. Presence of Charred Reproductive Plant Parts in Flotation Samples from Kiva Hearths with Primary Refuse, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 7. Presence of Charred Reproductive Plant Parts in Flotation Samples from Middens with In Situ Secondary Refuse, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 8. Presence of Wood Charcoal in Flotation and Macrofossil Samples, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 9. Presence of Wood Charcoal in Flotation Samples from Kiva Hearths with Primary Refuse, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 10. Presence of Wood Charcoal in Flotation Samples from Middens
with In Situ Secondary Refuse, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 11. Taxa Present in Flotation and Macrofossil Samples from Kiva Roof-Fall and Wall-Fall Deposits, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 12. Presence of Charred Plant Parts in Flotation Samples, by Section, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 13. Presence of Charred Plant Parts in Flotation Samples, by Deposit Type, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 14. Presence of Charred Plant Remains in Flotation Samples from In Situ Secondary Refuse, by Section, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 15. Presence of Charred Reproductive Plant Parts in Flotation Samples, by Section, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 16. Presence of Wood Charcoal in Flotation Samples, by Section, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 17. Presence of Charred Plant Parts in Flotation Samples from Primary Refuse Contexts, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 18. Assignment of Sections and Contexts to Early and Late Components, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 19. Presence of Charred Plant Parts in Flotation Samples from the Early and Late Sections of Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 20. Presence of Charred Plant Parts in Flotation and Macrofossil Samples from Dated Contexts, Early Component, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 21. Presence of Charred Plant Parts in Flotation and Macrofossil Samples from Dated Contexts, Late Component, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 22. Presence of Zea mays Parts in Flotation Samples from Woods Canyon Pueblo

"Human Skeletal Remains," by Cynthia S. Bradley
Table 1. Mortuary Information for Discrete Burials, Wood Canyon Pueblo
Table 2. Isolated Human Bone, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 3. Age and Sex of Discrete Individuals, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 4. Overlap of Individuals in Structure 5-S, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 5. Skeletal Evidence of Health in Discrete Burials, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 6. Skeletal Evidences of Injury and Activity in Discrete Burials, Woods Canyon Pueblo
Table 7. Skeletal Evidence of Relatedness in Discrete Burials, Woods Canyon Pueblo

"Water Control and Subsistence," by Melissa J. Churchill
Table 1. Formal White Ware Types from Woods Canyon Pueblo and Woods Canyon Reservoir, by Count and Weight
Table 2. Formal White Ware Types from Woods Canyon Pueblo and Woods Canyon Reservoir, by Form

"Abandonment and Emigration," by Melissa J. Churchill
Table 1. Summary of Tested Kivas at Woods Canyon Pueblo

"Appendix A"
Table A.1. Architectural Features Identified at Woods Canyon Pueblo During the Village Mapping Project, 1993

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