Woods Canyon Pueblo Bibliography
Most of the following publications are based wholly or in part on field
and/or laboratory data generated as a result of Crow Canyon's study of
Woods Canyon Pueblo and Woods Canyon Reservoir. The volume by Fewkes,
which predates Crow Canyon's research by many decades, provides additional
information that may help the reader place Crow Canyon's work at Woods
Canyon within a broader research and historical context.
- Driver, J. C.
- 2002 Great Houses, Big Towns, Large Mammals. Paper presented at the 65th
Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Denver.
- Fewkes, J. W.
- 1919 Prehistoric Villages, Castles, and Towers of Southwestern Colorado.
Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin, no. 70. Smithsonian Institution,
Washington, D.C.
- Kelley, J. P.
- 1996 Woods Canyon Pueblo: A Late Pueblo III Period Canyon-Oriented Site
in Southwest Colorado. Unpublished Master's thesis, Department of Anthropology,
Washington State University, Pullman.
- Lipe, W. D.
- 1995 National Register of Historic Places Registration Form for Woods
Canyon Pueblo, Site 5MT11842. Manuscript on file, Colorado Historical
Society, Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation, Denver.
- Lipe, W. D., and S. G. Ortman
- 2000 Spatial Patterning in Northern San Juan Villages, A.D. 1050-1300.
Kiva 66:91-122.
- Lipe, W. D., and M. D. Varien
- 1999 Pueblo III (A.D. 1150-1300). In Colorado Prehistory: A Context
for the Southern Colorado River Basin, edited by W. D. Lipe, M. D.
Varien, and R. H. Wilshusen, pp. 290-352. Colorado Council of Professional
Archaeologists, Denver.
- Ortman, S. G.
- 2000 Artifacts. In The Archaeology of Castle Rock Pueblo: A Thirteenth-Century
Village in Southwestern Colorado [HTML Title], edited by K. A. Kuckelman.
Available: https://www.crowcanyon.org/castlerock.
- Ortman, S. G.
- 2000 Conceptual Metaphor in the Archaeological Record: Methods and an
Example from the American Southwest. American Antiquity 65:613-645.
- Ortman, S. G., D. M. Glowacki, M. J. Churchill, and K. A. Kuckelman
- 2000 Pattern and Variation in Northern San Juan Village Histories. Kiva
- Wilshusen, R. H.
- 1994 Research Design for Archaeological Investigations in 1994 and 1995
on BLM Lands in the Anasazi Culture Multiple-Use Area. Manuscript on file,
Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, Cortez, Colorado.
- Wilshusen, R. H., M. J. Churchill, and J. M. Potter
- 1997 Prehistoric Reservoirs and Water Basins in the Mesa Verde Region:
Intensification of Water Collection Strategies During the Great Pueblo
Period. American Antiquity 62:664-681.