About This Publication
The Archaeology of Castle Rock Pueblo: A Thirteenth-Century Village in Southwestern Colorado is Crow Canyon's first
electronic site report to be fully integrated with an electronic database. The decision to publish the results of this important
work on the Internet rather than in traditional printed form was reached after considerable research and intensive
consultation with numerous professionals in the fields of archaeology, education, database management, and publishing.
The case for change was straightforward and compelling: Crow Canyon had the desireand the obligationto disseminate
the results of its work to a large and diverse audience that included not only archaeologists and educators, but the general
public as well. At the same time, advances in archaeological field and laboratory techniques had resulted in the
generation of large quantities of data, some of which did not lend themselves to presentation in standard publication
formats. Providing the maximum amount of information to as many people as possible, all in an era of spiraling publishing
costs, demanded a new approach, one best served, it seemed, by Internet technology.
The electronic site report for Castle Rock Pueblo is devoted in its entirety to detailed analyses of selected data that address
specific research topics. Basic field and laboratory data are reported in the electronic database, which is a separate on-line
publication. The site report and database are electronically linked, which allows users to read interpretive summaries while calling
up the relevant maps, photographs, excavation data, and artifact information from the database. Because the reporting of
archaeological research in electronic form is a relatively new enterprise, few standards have been developed and the
formats used are quite variable. To assist the reader in understanding and using the format we have developed, we provide
the following tips and guidelines (paragraphs 38).
This publication consists of numerous chapters (see Contents), each of which contains links to a variety of auxiliary text and/or graphics files, including figures, tables, references, and glossary words. This publication automatically opens a second browser window when the reader clicks on a link, and the linked item is displayed in the second window. By selecting either the chapter window or the "link window," the reader can move back and forth between the two. Alternatively, the reader can resize the two windows, position them side-by-side, then view the contents of both simultaneously. (The reader needs to understand how his or her particular browser handles duplicate open windows to navigate effectively between windows.) Each time the reader selects another link to a figure, table, reference, or glossary word, that item will replace the previously linked item in the "link window."
This publication also contains links to maps and photographs in The Castle Rock Pueblo Database. These links are referenced in text as "Database Map" or "Database Photo," and each reference includes a unique number that corresponds to its number in the database.
In addition to the preceding, the reader needs to be aware that this publication uses styles and, although not necessary, is best viewed with a browser that supports this feature.
Paragraph Numbering
Because page breaks in electronic publications are dependent on document parameters (for example, font type and margin
width) selected by individual users, those wishing to cite the sources of specific material cannot use standard page-number
reference formats in their in-text citations. To help readers cite specific text passages in the electronic site report, we have
therefore assigned consecutive numbers to every individual paragraph, by chapter; these paragraph numbers may be used in
lieu of page numbers in standard in-text reference citations.
Reference Citation Format
The reader will notice that the format used for references in this publication varies slightly from typical citation formats.
Specifically, a suffix consisting of an asterisk and a number is appended to every author-date citation in text, creating a
unique code for any given reference. This same code (author-date-suffix) is repeated at the beginning of the corresponding
entry in the lists of references. This system allows us to generate reference lists automatically from an electronic database
and minimizes the potential for introducing error during production.
This publication includes a glossary of terms whose use in the context of an archaeological site report might not be clear to
all readers. The only text chapters linked to the glossary, however, are those written by Kuckelman.
We hope that readers find the content of this publication interesting and the format useful. Electronic site reports and
databases for other sites excavated by Crow Canyon are currently under construction, so we welcome user feedback that
will help us improve those future publications.
Acknowledgments | Credits | To borrow, cite, or request permission | Tell us what you think about this publication. |