Go to Table of Contents.
About This Publication
List of Tables
List of Illustrations
Introduction to the Site
Research Design
Castle Rock Pueblo in a Regional Context
Settlement Organization
Population Estimates
Faunal Remains
Plant Evidence
Rock Art
The Final Days of Castle Rock Pueblo
Oral History
A Native American Perspective


"Castle Rock Pueblo in a Regional Context," by Mark D. Varien
Figure 1. The Sand Canyon Pueblo locality showing survey areas, and the locations of tested sites, Sand Canyon Pueblo, Goodman Point Pueblo, and Castle Rock Pueblo.
Figure 2. Digital elevation model of the study area.
Figure 3. Polygons for the Period 2 community centers.
Figure 4. Polygons for the Period 3 community centers.
Figure 5. Polygons for the Period 4 community centers.
Figure 6. Period 1 community centers and their 2-, 7-, and 18-km cost-equivalent catchments.
Figure 7. Period 2 community centers and their 2-, 7-, and 18-km cost-equivalent catchments.
Figure 8. Period 3 community centers and their 2-, 7-, and 18-km cost-equivalent catchments.
Figure 9. Period 4 community centers and their 2-, 7-, and 18-km cost-equivalent catchments.
Figure 10. The location of Castle Rock Pueblo relative to all Period 4 community centers.
Figure 11. Period 4 community center size.

"Architecture," by Kristin A. Kuckelman
Figure 1. Photograph of Castle Rock taken in 1874, view northeast.
Figure 2. Photograph of Castle Rock taken in 1892, view west-northwest.
Figure 3. Lantern slide taken of Castle Rock, circa 1906, view northeast.
Figure 4. Photograph of Castle Rock taken in 1875, view south.
Figure 5. Photograph of Structure 404/409/410, taken in 1875.
Figure 6. Photograph of Castle Rock taken in 1874, view south-southeast.

"Settlement Organization," by Kristin A. Kuckelman
Figure 1. Photograph of Castle Rock taken in 1875, view south-southeast.

"Artifacts," by Scott G. Ortman
Figure 1. Maximum diameter vs. total volume for reconstructed white ware bowls from Sand Canyon Pueblo.
Figure 2. Rim diameter vs. total volume for reconstructed corrugated jars from Sand Canyon Pueblo.
Figure 3. Distribution of rim-radius estimates for white ware bowls, white ware ladles, and corrugated jars for Castle Rock Pueblo.
Figure 4. Distributions of white ware bowl sizes for Sand Canyon locality sites.
Figure 5. Distributions of white ware bowl rim sherd weights for Sand Canyon locality sites.
Figure 6. Distributions of white ware bowl rim sherd sizes for Sand Canyon locality sites.
Figure 7. Distributions of corrugated jar sizes for Sand Canyon locality sites.
Figure 8. Distributions of corrugated jar rim sherd sizes for Sand Canyon locality sites.
Figure 9. Distributions of white ware pottery with igneous rock temper in thirteenth-century southwestern Colorado sites.
Figure 10. Fall-off pattern of igneous-rock-tempered pottery in thirteenth-century southwestern Colorado sites.
Figure 11. Possible two-hand mano use-wear reduction sequence.
Figure 12. Differences in adjacent grinding surface widths for two-hand manos, Castle Rock Pueblo.
Figure 13. Midden depth vs. artifact density for excavation units from Castle Rock Pueblo.
Figure 14. Artifact frequencies by artifact category for kiva suites, Castle Rock Pueblo. Presented as boxplots.
Figure 15. Correspondence analysis of artifact counts by kiva suite, Castle Rock Pueblo.
Figure 16. Artifact densities in kiva fills, Castle Rock Pueblo.

"Rock Art," by Kristin A. Kuckelman
Figure 1. Rock art panel from Castle Rock Pueblo.

"Oral History," by Kristin A. Kuckelman
Figure 1. Photograph of Castle Rock taken in 1874, view south-southeast.
Figure 2. Photograph of Castle Rock taken in 1874, view northeast.
Figure 3. Photograph of Structure 404/409/410, taken in 1875.
Figure 4. Photograph of Castle Rock taken in 1875, view south.

Copyright © 2000 by Crow Canyon Archaeological Center. All rights reserved.