"Castle Rock Pueblo in a Regional Context," by Mark D. Varien
Table 1. Components by Temporal Period in the Upper and Lower Sand Canyon Survey Areas
Table 2. Period Two Community Centers and Associated Polygons
Table 3. Period Three Community Centers and Associated Polygons
Table 4. Period Four Community Centers and Associated Polygons
"Chronology," by Kristin A. Kuckelman
Table 1. Castle Rock Pueblo Tree-Ring Dating, by Structure.
"Artifacts," by Scott G. Ortman
Table 1. Pottery Summary by Ware and Type, Castle Rock Pueblo
Table 2. Pottery Summary by Ware and Basic Form, Castle Rock Pueblo
Table 3. Pottery Summary by Type and Paint, Castle Rock Pueblo
Table 4. Pottery Rims by Ware and Type, Castle Rock Pueblo
Table 5. Pottery Rims by Form, Castle Rock Pueblo
Table 6. White Ware Rims by Type and Form, Castle Rock Pueblo
Table 7. Weights of White Ware Rims by Type and Form, Castle Rock Pueblo
Table 8. Mean Weights of White Ware Bowl Rims by Type, Castle Rock Pueblo
Table 9. Pottery Rims by Form and Paint Type, Castle Rock Pueblo
Table 10. Modified and Shaped Sherds by Type, Castle Rock Pueblo
Table 11. Reconstructible Vessels by Form and Ware, Castle Rock Pueblo
Table 12. Vessel Data, Castle Rock Pueblo
Table 13. Provenience Information for Vessels from Castle Rock Pueblo
Table 14. Size Classes for Vessels from Sand Canyon Pueblo (5MT765)
Table 15. Vessel Data from Sand Canyon Pueblo
Table 16. Bowl Rim Sherds with Exterior Paint by Period and Site
Table 17. Provenience for Polishing Stones, Castle Rock Pueblo
Table 18. Material Type for Polishing Stones, Castle Rock Pueblo
Table 19. Type and Provenience of Unfired Clay Samples, Castle Rock Pueblo
Table 20. Other Pottery Artifacts, Castle Rock Pueblo
Table 21. Primary Tempers in White Ware Bowl Sherds from Late-Thirteenth-Century Sites in Southwestern Colorado
Table 22. Nonlocal Pottery, Castle Rock Pueblo
Table 23. Nonlocal Pottery from Castle Rock Pueblo
Table 24. Long-Distance Pottery Exchange
Table 25. Counts of Chipped-Stone Tools by Material, Castle Rock Pueblo
Table 26. Percents of Chipped-Stone Tools by Material, Castle Rock Pueblo
Table 27. Counts of Chipped-Stone Debris and Tools by Material, Castle Rock Pueblo
Table 28. Percents of Chipped-Stone Debris and Tools by Material, Castle Rock Pueblo
Table 29. Projectile Points, Castle Rock Pueblo
Table 30. Projectile Points by Material, Castle Rock Pueblo
Table 31. Preforms by Material Type, Castle Rock Pueblo
Table 32. Ground-Stone Artifacts by Material Type, Castle Rock Pueblo
Table 33. Ground-Stone Artifacts by Condition, Castle Rock Pueblo
Table 34. Cross-tabulation of Raw Material Grade vs. Number of Grinding Surfaces for Two-Hand Manos, Castle Rock Pueblo
Table 35. Cross-tabulation of Condition vs. Number of Grinding Surfaces for Two-Hand Manos, Castle Rock Pueblo
Table 36. Cross-tabulation of Condition vs Raw Material Grade for Two-Hand Manos, Castle Rock Pueblo
Table 37. Number of Surfaces Parallel to Grain of Stone vs Number of Grinding Surfaces for Two-Hand Manos, Castle Rock Pueblo
Table 38. Polished Igneous Stones and Polishing/Hammerstones from Castle Rock Pueblo
Table 39. Axes and Mauls, Castle Rock Pueblo
Table 40. Other Modified Stones and Minerals by Material, Castle Rock Pueblo
Table 41. Unmodified Stone and Unmodified Minerals, Castle Rock Pueblo
Table 42. Presence of Animal Bone, Egg Shell, and Gizzard Stones by Study Unit, Castle Rock Pueblo
Table 43. Worked Bone Tools, Castle Rock Pueblo
Table 44. Nonlocal Artifacts, Castle Rock Pueblo
Table 45. Sources for Nonlocal Artifacts, Castle Rock Pueblo
Table 46. Personal Adornment, Castle Rock Pueblo
Table 47. Objects of Personal Adornment by Material, Castle Rock Pueblo
Table 48. Castle Rock Pueblo Sampling Intensities
Table 49. Castle Rock Pueblo Excavation Unit Sampling Stratum Assignments
Table 50. Castle Rock Pueblo Sample Cross-Tabulation
Table 51. Mean Weights of Pottery by Stratum, Castle Rock Pueblo
Table 52. Probability Samples, Castle Rock Pueblo
Table 53. Comparison of Standard Deviations for Prior vs. Posterior Probability Samples, Castle Rock Pueblo
Table 54. Comparison of Variances (values are x 1010), Castle Rock Pueblo
Table 55. Comparison of Estimates, Prior vs Posterior Stratification, Castle Rock Pueblo
Table 56. Occupation Span Estimates, Castle Rock Pueblo
Table 57. Household-Years Accumulation, Castle Rock Pueblo
Table 58. Assignment of Midden Deposits to Kiva Suites, Castle Rock Pueblo
Table 59. Counts of Common Artifacts in Midden Deposits by Kiva Suite, Castle Rock Pueblo
Table 60. Relative Frequencies of Common Artifacts in Midden Deposits by Kiva Suite, Castle Rock Pueblo
"Faunal Remains," by Jonathan C. Driver
Table 1. Identified Specimens by Taxon, Castle Rock Pueblo
Table 2. Identified Specimens and Minimum Number of Elements (Selected Skeletal Elements) for Cottontail, Artiodactyls, and Turkey and Large Bird, Castle Rock Pueblo
Table 3. Proximal and Distal Ends of Selected Long Bones from Various Taxa at Castle Rock Pueblo
Table 4. Faunal Groups by Context Type, Castle Rock Pueblo
Table 5. Taxonomic Groups by Structure, Castle Rock Pueblo
"Plant Evidence," by Karen R. Adams and Malaina L. Brown
Table 1. Plant Evidence, Archaeology of Castle Rock Pueblo
Table 2. Taxa and Plant Parts Found in Charred and Uncharred Condition in Flotation and Macrofossil Samples, Castle Rock Pueblo
Table 3. Uncharred Plant Parts Compared to Their Recovery as Charred Specimens, Castle Rock Pueblo
Table 4. Presence of Reproductive Taxa from Castle Rock Pueblo
Table 5. Measurements and Key Traits of Well-Preserved Domesticates from Castle Rock Pueblo
Table 6. Presence of Charcoal Types from Flotation and Macrofossil Samples from Castle Rock Pueblo
Table 7. Presence of Charred Reproductive Plant Parts from Flotation Samples, Castle Rock Pueblo
Table 8. Presence of Wood Charcoal Types in Flotation Samples, Castle Rock Pueblo
Table 9. Presence of Plant Remains in Roof Fall and Wall Fall inside Structures, Castle Rock Pueblo