Chapter Contents, Artifacts
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Processing of Artifacts in the Laboratory
Definitions of Analytic Categories
Disposition of Materials
Destructive Analysis
Additional Studies of Castle Rock Pueblo Artifacts
Organization and Use of This Report
Unmodified Sherds
Total Inventory
By Ware and Type
Dating the Occupation of Castle Rock Pueblo Using Assemblage Type Data
By Ware and Form
By Type and Finish
Rim Sherds
By Ware and Type
By Ware and Form
Counts by White Ware Type and Form
Weights by White Ware Type and Form
Size Distributions for White Ware Bowl Rim Sherds
By Form and Finish
Summary of Pottery Sherd Analysis
Modified and Shaped Sherds
Inventory by Type
Pottery Vessels
Inventory by Form and Ware
Vessel Analysis Data
Vessel Provenience Data
Functional Analysis
Vessel Size Classes
Sand Canyon Pueblo Vessels
Maximum Diameter vs. Volume for White Ware Bowls
Rim Diameter vs. Volume for Corrugated Jars
Volumetric Relationships among Vessel Size Classes
Rim-Arc Data
White Ware Bowls, White Ware Ladles, and Corrugated Jars, Castle Rock Pueblo
White Ware Bowls, Sand Canyon Locality Sites
White Ware Bowl Rim Sherd Weight Distributions, Sand Canyon Locality Sites
White Ware Bowl Rim Sherd Size Distributions, Sand Canyon Locality Sites
Corrugated Jars, Sand Canyon Locality Sites
Corrugated Jar Sherd Size Distributions, Sand Canyon Locality Sites
Exterior Paint on White Ware Bowls, Sand Canyon Locality Sites
Summary of Functional Analysis
Pottery Production and Exchange
Direct Evidence of Pottery Making
Polishing Stones
Raw Materials
Potting Clay and Unfired Sherds
Other Clay Artifacts
Local Pottery Exchange
Temper Data
Igneous-Tempered White Wares in Late Pueblo III Sites
Fall-off Pattern of Igneous-Tempered White Wares, Late Pueblo III Sites
Long-Distance Pottery Exchange
Catalog of Nonlocal Pottery Sherds
Distribution of Nonlocal Sherds by Study Unit
Nonlocal Sherds from Other Sites in Southwestern Colorado
Chipped-Stone Tools and Manufacturing Debris
Definitions of Raw Material Categories
Local Raw Materials
Semilocal Raw Materials
Nonlocal Raw Materials
Artifact Type vs. Raw Material
By Count
By Percentage
Raw Materials in Tools and Manufacturing Debris
By Count
By Percentage
Analysis of Bifaces, Points, and Drills
Catalog, Analysis Data, and Provenience
Form vs. Raw Material
Production Stage vs. Raw Material
Ground-Stone Tools
Artifact Category vs. Raw Material
Artifact Category vs. Condition
Functional Analysis of Two-Hand Manos
Grinding Strokes
Wear Management
Reduction Sequence
Material Grade vs. Number of Grinding Surfaces
Condition vs. Number of Grinding Surfaces
Condition vs. Material Grade
Number of Surfaces Parallel to Grain of Stone
Widths of Adjacent Grinding Surfaces
Summary of Functional Analysis
Pecked and Polished Stone Tools
Polished Igneous Slabs and Polishing/Hammerstones
Axes and Mauls
Other Modified Stones and Minerals
Modification vs. Raw Material
Unmodified Stones and Minerals
Inventory by Raw Material
Animal Remains
Distribution of Animal Remains by Study Unit
Worked Bone Tools
Inventory by Type and Condition
Objects of Nonlocal Materials
Catalog of Stone and Shell Objects
Provenance of Nonlocal Stone, Shell, and Pottery Objects
Objects of Personal Adornment
Catalog of Beads, Pendants, and Tubes
Summary of Raw Materials
Probability Sample
Prior vs. Posterior Stratification
Comparison of Sampling Intensities
Definition of Posterior Stratification
Correspondence Table for Probability Excavation Units
Comparison of Excavation Unit Assignments
Comparison of Sherd Weights by Stratum
Probability Samples
Comparison of Stratum Standard Deviations for Common Artifact Categories
Comparison of Variances for Common Artifact Categories
Estimation of Artifact Population Totals
Comparison of Population Total Estimates, Prior vs. Posterior Stratification
Estimating the Occupation Span of Castle Rock Pueblo
Estimating the Year of Abandonment
Intrasite Analyses
Midden Composition
Assignment of Midden Deposits to Kiva Suites
Depth vs. Density of Midden Deposits by Excavation Unit
Kiva Suite Midden Assemblages
Relative Frequencies of Common Artifact Categories in Midden Assemblages
Box Plots of Artifact Frequencies across Kiva Suites
Correspondence Analysis of Artifact Counts by Kiva Suite
Abandonment of Structures
Artifact Densities in Kiva Fills
Abandonment Deposits Relating to Warfare
Consideration of Results in Light of the Sand Canyon Project Research Design
Community Organization and Change