Appendix A Worked-Vegetal Materials References Cited 1990 Prehistoric Reedgrass (Phragmites) "Cigarettes" with Tobacco (Nicotiana) Contents: A Case Study from Red Bow Cliff Dwelling, Arizona. Journal of Ethnobiology 10:123–139. 1977 Basketry Technology: A Guide to Identification and Analysis. Aldine, Chicago. 1977 Ethnobotanical Techniques and Approaches at Salmon Ruin, New Mexico. Contributions in Anthropology, vol. 8, no. 1. Eastern New Mexico University, Portales. 1987 Annual Report of Excavations at Sand Canyon Pueblo (5MT765), Montezuma County, Colorado: 1986 Field Season. Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, Cortez, Colorado. Report submitted to the Bureau of Land Management, San Juan Resource Area Office, Durango, Colorado. 1961 History and Distribution of the Cultivated Cucurbits in the Americas. American Antiquity 26:469–485. 1986 Weaving at Antelope House. In Archeological Investigations at Antelope House, authored by D. P. Morris, pp. 224–276. National Park Service, Washington, D.C. 1941 Anasazi Basketry, Basket Maker II Through Pueblo III: A Study Based on Specimens from the San Juan River Country. Publication, no. 533. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington, D.C. 1971 Mug House, Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado. Archeological Research Series, no. 7-D. National Park Service, Washington, D.C. 1976 Prehistoric Southwestern Craft Arts. The University of Arizona Press, Tucson.