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Note: For information about report format and navigation, see About This Publication.

1: Introduction, by Kristin A. Kuckelman

2: History of Investigations, by William D. Lipe and Kristin A. Kuckelman

3: Settlement Patterns in the McElmo Dome Study Area, by Scott G. Ortman and Mark D. Varien

4: A Descriptive and Interpretive Summary of Excavations, by Architectural Block, by Kristin A. Kuckelman, Bruce A. Bradley, Melissa J. Churchill, and James H. Kleidon [Chapter Contents]

5: Faunal Remains, by Robert J. Muir

6: Archaeobotanical Remains, by Karen R. Adams, Kristin A. Kuckelman, and Vandy E. Bowyer

7: Human Skeletal Remains, by Kristin A. Kuckelman and Debra L. Martin

8: Artifacts, by Jonathan D. Till and Scott G. Ortman     [Chapter Contents]

9: Summary and Conclusions, by Kristin A. Kuckelman

Appendix A: Worked-Vegetal Materials, by Karen R. Adams

Stem-and-Leaf Plots Index

Sand Canyon Pueblo Bibliography


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REMINDER: Archaeological resources are protected by federal laws, and archaeological research is guided by a set of professional ethics. See Archaeological Ethics and Law.