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List of Tables

Chapter 2

History of Investigations

Table 1. Sand Canyon Pueblo Annual Reports

Chapter 3

Settlement Patterns in the McElmo Dome Study Area

Table 1. Major Block Surveys Conducted on the McElmo Dome

Table 2. Summary of Site Functions

Table 3. Modeling Periods Used in this Study

Chapter 4

A Descriptive and Interpretive Summary of Excavations, by Architectural Block

Table 1. Scattered Human Bones Found in Abandonment Contexts in Architectural Block 1000, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 2. Summary Data for Tested Kivas in Architectural Blocks 400, 600, 700, and 1400, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 3. Estimated Construction Dates

Table 4. Kivas with Subfloor Ventilation Systems, Sand Canyon Pueblo: Construction Dates and Vent Status at Abandonment

Chapter 5

Faunal Remains

Table 1. Frequency of Identified Faunal Remains by Class, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 2. Frequency of Mammalian Taxa in the Identified Faunal Assemblage, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 3. Frequency of Bird Taxa in the Identified Faunal Assemblage, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 4. Frequency of Amphibian, Reptile, and Gastropod Taxa in the Identified Faunal Assemblage, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 5. Frequency of Weathered Faunal Remains, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 6. Evidence of Cultural Modification of Faunal Remains, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 7. Evidence of Carnivore Modification of Faunal Remains, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 8. Frequency of Complete and Fragmented Major Long Bones Among Selected Faunal Taxa, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 9. NISP Counts by Skeletal Region for Major Faunal Taxa, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 10. NISP Counts for "Other Birds" Found in Association With the D-Shaped Block, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Chapter 6

Archaeobotanical Remains

Table 1. Plant Samples and Analysts, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 2. Summary of Flotation Samples Collected from Primary Refuse, Secondary Refuse, and a Variety of Other Contexts, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 3. List of Plant Taxa and Parts, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 4. Taxa, Part, Condition, and Quantity of Specimens Identified in Flotation Samples, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 5. Ubiquity and Diversity of Wood and Other Vegetative Parts in Flotation Samples from Primary Refuse in Thermal Features, Secondary Refuse, and Other Contexts, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 6. Ubiquity and Diversity of Wood and Other Vegetative Parts in Flotation Samples from Primary Refuse in Thermal Features, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 7. Ubiquity and Diversity of Reproductive Plant Parts in Flotation Samples from Primary Refuse in Thermal Features, Secondary Refuse, and Other Contexts, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 8. Ubiquity and Diversity of Reproductive Plant Parts in Flotation Samples from Primary Refuse in Thermal Features, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 9. Ubiquity and Diversity of Food Taxa Represented in Primary Refuse from Thermal Features in Kivas, Rooms, Towers, and Extramural Contexts, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 10. Corn Kernel Measurements, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 11. Taxa Represented in Two Rodent Seed Caches, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 12. Two Major Groupings of Native Plants Whose Reproductive Parts Preserved in Flotation Samples, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 13. Ubiquity and Diversity of Fuel Taxa in Primary Refuse from Thermal Features in Kivas, Rooms, Towers, and Extramural Contexts, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 14. Ubiquity of Nonreproductive Plant Parts in Flotation Samples That Could Be Assigned to a Temporal Group, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 15. Ubiquity and Diversity of Reproductive Plant Parts in Flotation Samples That Could Be Assigned to a Temporal Group, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 16. Ubiquity of Taxa in Two Major Groupings of Native Plants Whose Reproductive Parts Preserved in Flotation Samples, by Temporal Group, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 17. Season of Availability of Native Plant Taxa Recovered as Charred Specimens, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Chapter 7

Human Skeletal Remains

Table 1. Mortuary Information, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 2. Age and Sex of Human Remains Occurrences, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 3. Isolated Human Bone, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 4. Fewest Number of Individuals Represented in the Scattered Remains, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 5. Human Remains Analysts and Preliminary Reports, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 6. Percentages of Subadult Remains in Selected Southwestern Archaeological Assemblages

Table 7. Frequencies of Adolescent Remains in Selected Southwestern Archaeological Assemblages

Table 8. Frequencies of Adult Male Remains in Selected Southwestern Archaeological Assemblages

Table 9. Frequencies, by Deposition Type, of Individuals in Specific Age/Sex Categories, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 10. Estimated Time of Birth and Death for Each Individual Represented in Human Remains Occurrences, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 11. Skeletal Indicators of Health, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 12. Skeletal Deformation, Osteoarthritis, and Cultural Modification, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 13. Stature of Adults Represented in the Sand Canyon Pueblo Assemblage

Table 14. Comparison of Average Stature Among Selected Prehistoric Southwestern Populations

Table 15. Genetic, Congenital, and Developmental Anomalies as Evidence of Possible Relatedness, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 16. Health Indicators on Formally Buried Remains and Remains Found in Abandonment Contexts, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Chapter 8

NOTE: Some of the artifact tables also have a PDF version for easier printing.

Table 1. Selected Studies That Use Sand Canyon Pueblo Artifact Data

Table 2. Counts and Weights of Unmodified Sherds, by Site Subdivision, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 3. Unmodified Sherds That Were Counted But Not Weighed, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 4. Unmodified Sherds That Were Weighed But Not Counted, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 5. Summary of Unmodified Sherds by Ware and Type, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 6. Accumulations Data for Selected Kiva Suites, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 7. Summary of Unmodified Sherds by Ware and Form, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 8. Ratios of White Ware Bowl to Corrugated Gray Jar Sherds for Late Pueblo III Sites, Sand Canyon Locality

Table 9. Unmodified White Ware Sherds by Type and Paint, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 10. Unmodified Rim Sherds by Ware and Type, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 11. Unmodified Rim Sherds by Ware and Form, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 12. Distribution of Unmodified Rim Sherds by Architectural Block, Sand Canyon Pueblo    Print Version (PDF)

Table 13. Unmodified White Ware Rim Sherds by Type and Form, Sand Canyon Pueblo    Print Version (PDF)

Table 14. Unmodified White Ware Rim Sherds by Form and Paint, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 15. Modified Sherds by Type and Form, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 16. Shaped Sherds by Type and Form, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 17. General Locations of Modified Sherds, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 18. Modified Sherds by Context, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 19. Shaped Sherds by Individual Study Unit, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 20. Shaped Sherds by Context, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 21. Numbered Vessels by Form and Ware, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 22. Descriptive Data for Numbered Vessels, Sand Canyon Pueblo
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Table 23. Provenience and Context Information for Numbered Vessels, Sand Canyon Pueblo    Print Version (PDF)

Table 24. Weights and Volumes of Numbered Corrugated Gray Vessels, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 25. Inventory of Other Possible Reconstructible Corrugated Gray Ware Vessels, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 26. Inventory of Other Possible Reconstructible White Ware Vessels, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 27. Summary of Other Ceramic Artifacts, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 28. Vessel Form and Size Classes, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 29. Vessel-Volume Data, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 30. Vessel Volume and Caloric Yield

Table 31. Material Type of Polishing Stones, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 32. Proveniences of Polishing Stones, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 33. Type and Context of Unfired Clay Samples, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 34. Temper and Paint Types for Rim Sherds from White Ware Bowls, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 35. Temper and Paint Types for Rim Sherds from White Ware Bowls from Late-Thirteenth-Century Sites in the Mesa Verde Region

Table 36. Chi-Square Test for Paint-Temper Cross-Tabulations, Sand Canyon Locality Sites

Table 37. Mineral-Painted Sherds Found in Late Pueblo III Sites, Mesa Verde Region

Table 38. Local (San Juan) Red Ware Pottery Sherds by Study Unit, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 39. Provenience and Context of Nonlocal Pottery Sherds, Sand Canyon Pueblo    Print Version (PDF)

Table 40. Descriptive Data for Nonlocal Pottery Sherds, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 41. Nonlocal Pottery Sherds by Study Unit, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 42. Evidence of Pottery Exchange Beyond the Sand Canyon Locality

Table 43. Chipped-Stone Tools by Material Type, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 44. Grouped Chipped-Stone Tools and Debitage, by Material Type, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 45. Extralocal Materials in the Chipped-Stone Tool and Debitage Assemblages, by Site Subdivision, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 46. Extralocal Chipped-Stone Artifacts per Kilogram of Corrugated Gray Pottery, Sand Canyon Locality Sites

Table 47. Debitage and Cores per Kilogram of Corrugated Gray Pottery, by Site Subdivision, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 48. Debitage Type by Material Type, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 49. Debitage Sample Reanalysis by Arakawa, Sand Canyon Pueblo: Cortex and Size, by Material Type

Table 50. Locations of Debitage Samples Reanalyzed by Arakawa, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 51. Debitage Sample Reanalysis by Arakawa, Sand Canyon Pueblo: Cortex by Material Type

Table 52. Debitage Sample Reanalysis by Arakawa, Sand Canyon Pueblo: Size by Material Type

Table 53. Debitage Categories, Sand Canyon Locality Sites

Table 54. Specific Debitage Material Types, Sand Canyon Locality Sites    
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Table 55. Grouped Debitage Material Types, Sand Canyon Locality Sites

Table 56. Bifaces, Drills, and Projectile Points, by Site Subdivision, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 57. Bifaces, Drills, and Projectile Points, by Condition, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 58. Projectile Point Analysis Data, Sand Canyon Pueblo: Size, Condition, and Shape    Print Version (PDF)

Table 59. Projectile Point Analysis Data, Sand Canyon Pueblo; Manufacturing and Use Data    Print Version (PDF)

Table 60. Projectile Points by Type and Location, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 61. Projectile Points by Type and Material, Sand Canyon Pueblo    
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Table 62. Projectile Points by Type and Condition, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 63. Projectile Points of Semilocal and Nonlocal Materials, by Site Subdivision, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 64. Summary of Nonlocal Projectile Points, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 65. Ground-Stone Artifacts by Site Subdivision, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 66. Ground-Stone Artifacts by Architectural Block and Condition, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 67. Ground-Stone Artifacts by Material Type, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 68. Ground-Stone Artifacts by Condition, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 69. Summary of Ground-Stone Assemblages, Sand Canyon Locality Sites

Table 70. Battered and/or Polished Stone Artifacts by Site Subdivision, Sand Canyon Pueblo    Print Version (PDF)

Table 71. Battered and/or Polished Stone Artifacts by Material Type, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 72. Battered and/or Polished Stone Artifacts by Condition, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 73. Analysis Data for Complete and Nearly Complete Axes and Mauls, Sand Canyon Pueblo: Material Type, Size, Shape, and Condition    Print Version (PDF)

Table 74. Analysis Data for Complete and Nearly Complete Axes and Mauls, Sand Canyon Pueblo: Manufacturing and Use Data

Table 75. Other Stone and Mineral Artifacts by Material Type, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 76. Bone Tools by Site Subdivision, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 77. Bone Tools by Condition, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 78. Adornment Artifacts by Site Subdivision, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 79. Adornment Artifacts by Material Type, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 80. Adornment Artifacts by Context, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 81. Summary of Adornment Artifacts, Sand Canyon Locality Sites

Table 82. "Other" Artifacts by Type, Provenience, and Context, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 83. "Other" Artifacts by Material Type and Condition, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 84. Artifact Assemblages from Probability Units, Sand Canyon Pueblo    
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Table 85. Midden Contexts Selected for Intrasite Analyses, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 86. Artifact Frequencies, by Count, for Selected Midden Assemblages, Sand Canyon Pueblo    Print Version (PDF)

Table 87. Artifact Frequencies, by Percentage, for Selected Midden Assemblages, Sand Canyon Pueblo    Print Version (PDF)

Table 88. Z-Scores for Selected Midden Assemblages, Sand Canyon Pueblo    
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Table 89. Extralocal Artifacts from Selected Midden Assemblages, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 90. Artifact Frequencies, by Count, for Surface and Roof-Fall Abandonment Contexts, Sand Canyon Pueblo    Print Version (PDF)

Table 91. Artifact Frequencies, by Percentage, for Surface and Roof-Fall Abandonment Contexts, Sand Canyon Pueblo    Print Version (PDF)

Table 92. Pottery Vessels in Abandoned Structures, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 93. Abandonment Assemblages by Kiva Suite, Sand Canyon Pueblo    
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Table 94. Z-Scores for Abandonment Assemblages, Sand Canyon Pueblo    
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Table 95. Extralocal Items from Abandonment Contexts, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 96. Axes, Mauls, and Projectile Points in Abandonment Contexts, by Study Unit, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 97. Stone Artifacts Made of Extralocal Materials and Found in Abandonment Contexts, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 98. Debitage Made of Extralocal Materials and Found in Abandonment Contexts, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 99. Inventory of Materials Found in Postabandonment Contexts, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 100. Vessels Found in Postabandonment Contexts, Kiva 102, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 101. Pottery Assemblages by Type, Form, and Weight, Postabandonment Contexts, Sand Canyon Pueblo

Table 102. Debitage in Postabandonment Contexts, by Material Type, Sand Canyon Pueblo