About This Publication 1 The Archaeology of Sand Canyon Pueblo: Intensive Excavations at a Late-Thirteenth-Century Village in Southwestern Colorado is one in a series of online site reports published by the Crow Canyon Archaeological Center. Like other publications in the series, this report consists primarily of interpretive summaries organized into separate chapters, by topic. Although summary data are reported in both tabular and graphic form to support the conclusions presented in text, the emphasis in this publication is on interpretation and synthesis, not on the reporting of basic data. For the latter, the reader is referred to The Sand Canyon Pueblo Database and the multisite research database, two companion publications that provide background information and detailed supporting data. The Sand Canyon Pueblo Database includes a history of investigations at the site, a description of site physiography, the details of land ownership and government permitting, an explanation of field methods, detailed excavation data, maps, color photographs, and selected artifact inventories and analysis results. The research database contains information about multiple sites excavated by Crow Canyon, including more-detailed results of artifact and ecofact analyses for all proveniences. The three publications—the site report and the two databases—are designed to be complementary, but each may be used independently of the others as well. Format2 This site report and its supporting databases are electronically linked, which allows users to read text while calling up the relevant maps, photographs, excavation data, and artifact information from the databases. To assist the reader in using this new format, we provide the following tips and guidelines (paragraphs 3–6): Navigation3 Each chapter in this publication (see Contents) contains links to a variety of auxiliary elements, including tables, figures, photographs, maps, references, and the Web sites of other organizations. For ease of use, we recommend that you open these links in a new tab or window. 4 This publication uses style sheets and therefore is best viewed with a browser that supports this feature. Readers whose browsers do not support styles may experience minor display irregularities, but these should not interfere with reading or navigating the publication. Paragraph Numbering5 Because page breaks in electronic publications are dependent on document parameters (for example, font type and margin width) selected by individual users, readers who wish to cite the sources of specific material cannot use standard page-number reference formats in their in-text citations. Therefore, to help the reader cite specific text passages in the electronic site report, we have assigned consecutive numbers to every individual paragraph, by chapter; these paragraph numbers may be used in lieu of page numbers in in-text reference citations. Reference Citation Format6 The reader will notice that the format used for references in this publication varies slightly from typical citation formats. Specifically, a suffix consisting of an asterisk and a number is appended to every author-date citation in text, creating a unique code for any given reference. This same code (author-date-suffix) is repeated at the beginning of the corresponding entry in the lists of references. This system allows us to generate reference lists automatically from an electronic database and minimizes the potential for introducing error during production. Feedback7 We welcome user feedback on this publication. Your comments and suggestions will help Crow Canyon refine its electronic formats and produce publications that better serve the needs of our readers. Acknowledgments | Credits | To borrow, cite, or request permission |