List of Illustrations Chapter 1Figure 1. The Sand Canyon locality. Figure 2. The central Mesa Verde region. Chapter 3Settlement Patterns in the McElmo Dome Study Area Figure 1. The McElmo Dome study area in southwestern Colorado. Figure 2. Locations of major surveys, McElmo Dome. Figure 3. Distribution of all known sites, McElmo Dome. Figure 4. Classification of limited-activity sites, McElmo Dome. Figure 5. Locations of limited-activity sites, McElmo Dome. Figure 6. Total households in recorded sites, McElmo Dome. Figure 7. Momentary households in recorded sites, McElmo Dome. Figure 8. Known and total momentary population estimates, McElmo Dome. Figure 9. Population history and growth rates, McElmo Dome. Figure 10. Archaic and Basketmaker II sites, McElmo Dome. Figure 11. Habitation sites by modeling period, McElmo Dome. (This figure consists of a gif animation and 14 thumbnail images with links to larger images.) Figure 12. Community centers and 2-km catchments, McElmo Dome. Figure 13. Community centers by period and population, McElmo Dome. Figure 14. Kernel density analysis of habitations by modeling period, McElmo Dome. (This figure consists of a gif animation and 14 thumbnail images with links to larger images.) Figure 15. Kernel density analysis of all habitations and community assignments, McElmo Dome. Figure 16. Population histories of specific communities, McElmo Dome. Figure 17. Momentary households in known sites, McElmo Dome and Village Project study areas. Chapter 5Figure 1. Cumulative frequency of complete and fragmented major long bones for selected faunal taxa from Sand Canyon Pueblo. Figure 2. Bar graph indicating the frequency of each skeletal element or element portion for all artiodactyl remains from Sand Canyon Pueblo. Figure 3. Scattergram plot of modified general utility index (%MGUI) values (based on values calculated for caribou, after Binford [1978*1]) vs. element frequency in the Sand Canyon Pueblo faunal assemblage. Figure 4. Scattergram plot of bone mineral density (after Lyman 1994*1:246–247) vs. element frequency in the Sand Canyon Pueblo faunal assemblage. Figure 5. Plan map of Sand Canyon Pueblo indicating locations of significant discrete concentrations of "other bird" (A), artiodactyl (B), and Lynx and bird of prey remains (C). Figure 6. Bar graph indicating the frequency of each skeletal element or element portion for artiodactyl remains from roof-fall deposits in Towers 101 and 1019/1008, Sand Canyon Pueblo. Figure 7. Bar graph indicating the relative frequency (%NISP) of each skeletal element or element portion for artiodactyl remains from the "tower blocks" (Blocks 100, 200, and 1000) compared with all other areas at Sand Canyon Pueblo. Figure 8. Bar graph indicating the relative frequency (%NISP) of each common butchery unit for artiodactyl remains from the "tower blocks" (Blocks 100, 200, and 1000) compared with all other areas at Sand Canyon Pueblo. Figure 9. Bar graphs comparing the relative frequency (%NISP) of each common butchery unit for artiodactyl remains from the "tower blocks" (Blocks 100, 200, and 1000) and all other excavated areas at Sand Canyon Pueblo. Figure 10. Plot of sample size vs. richness for taxa recovered from midden and all other deposits at Sand Canyon Pueblo. Figure 11. Plot of sample size vs. evenness for taxa recovered from midden and all other deposits at Sand Canyon Pueblo. Chapter 7Figure 1. A large perforation, possibly the result of cancer of the palate or a severe abscess, is observable in the upper palate of HRO 2. Also note the presence of peg-shaped molars. Figure 2. Femoral distance data (ages 0 – 7): Sand Canyon Pueblo and comparison groups (adapted from Martin et al. 2001*1:Figure 4.8). Chapter 8Figure 1. Corrugated gray jars, Sand Canyon Pueblo: volume vs. estimated weight. Figure 2. Weights of numbered white ware vessels, Sand Canyon Pueblo. Figure 3. White ware bowls, Sand Canyon Pueblo: volume vs. estimated weight. Figure 4. White ware jars, Sand Canyon Pueblo: volume vs. estimated weight. Figure 5. White ware ladles, Sand Canyon Pueblo: volume vs. estimated weight. Figure 6. Maximum diameter vs. total volume for white ware bowls from Sand Canyon Pueblo. Figure 7. Rim diameter vs. total volume for corrugated gray jars from Sand Canyon Pueblo. Figure 8. Maximum diameter vs. total volume for ladles from Sand Canyon Pueblo. Figure 9. Distributions of rim-radius estimates for white ware bowls, corrugated gray jars, and white ware ladles, Sand Canyon Pueblo. Figure 10. Distribution of rim-radius estimates for white ware bowls, multiple Sand Canyon locality sites. Figure 11. Distribution of rim-radius estimates for corrugated gray jars, Sand Canyon locality sites. Figure 12. Artifact frequencies in midden assemblages, Sand Canyon Pueblo. |