Sand Canyon Pueblo Bibliography During the course of this multiyear project, numerous publications and other documents have reported on various aspects of Crow Canyon's research in the Sand Canyon locality. Some of these works present data specific to Sand Canyon Pueblo; others provide information that allows readers to place the site, and Crow Canyon's investigations of it, within a broader regional and historical context. Included in the following list are: (1) books, chapters in books, and journal articles; (2) annual fieldwork reports; (3) papers presented at meetings; and (4) other unpublished manuscripts that contain material relevant to the study of this important site. Books, Chapters in Books, and Journal Articles1992 The Environmental Archaeology Program. In The Sand Canyon Archaeological Project: A Progress Report, edited by W. D. Lipe, pp. 99104. Occasional Papers, no. 2. Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, Cortez, Colorado. 2002 Sustainable Landscape: Thirteenth-Century Food and Fuel Use in the Sand Canyon Locality. In Seeking the Center Place: Archaeologyand Ancient Communities in the Mesa Verde Region, edited by M. D. Varien and R. H. Wilshusen, pp. 123142. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City. 1992 The Upland Survey. In The Sand Canyon Archaeological Project: A Progress Report, edited by W. D. Lipe, pp. 1123. Occasional Papers, no. 2. Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, Cortez, Colorado. 1988 Unusual Vessel Forms from Sand Canyon Pueblo, Colorado. Pottery Southwest 15(2):14. 1989 Architectural Petroglyphs at Sand Canyon Pueblo (5MT765), Southwestern Colorado. Kiva 54:153161. 1992 Excavations at Sand Canyon Pueblo. In The Sand Canyon Archaeological Project: A Progress Report, edited by W. D. Lipe, pp. 7997. Occasional Papers, no. 2. Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, Cortez, Colorado. 1993 Planning, Growth, and Functional Differentiation at a Prehistoric Pueblo: A Case Study from SW Colorado. Journal of Field Archaeology 20:2342. 1996 Pitchers to Mugs: Chacoan Revival at Sand Canyon Pueblo. Kiva 61:241255. 2002 Thoughts Count: Ideology and the Children of Sand Canyon Pueblo. In Children in the Prehistoric Puebloan Southwest, edited by K. A. Kamp, pp. 169195. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City. 1992 The Goodman Point Historic Land-Use Study. In The Sand Canyon Archaeological Project: A Progress Report, edited by W. D. Lipe, pp. 3344. Occasional Papers, no. 2. Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, Cortez, Colorado. 1992 The Lower Sand Canyon Survey. In The Sand Canyon Archaeological Project: A Progress Report, edited by W. D. Lipe, pp. 2531. Occasional Papers, no. 2. Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, Cortez, Colorado. 1995 Characterization of Mesa Verde Black-on-White Ceramics from Southwestern Colorado Using NAA. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 196:215222. 1998 An Initial Assessment of the Production and Movement of Thirteenth Century Ceramic Vessels in the Mesa Verde Region. Kiva 63:217240. 2002 Resource Use, Red-Ware Production, and Vessel Distribution in the Northern San Juan Region. In Ceramic Production and Circulationin the Greater Southwest: Source Determination by INAA and ComplementaryMineralogical Investigations, edited by D. M. Glowacki and H. Neff, pp. 6773. Monographs of The Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, no. 44. University of California, Los Angeles. 1996 The Role of Warfare in the Pueblo III Period. In The Prehistoric Pueblo World, A.D. 11501350, edited by M. A. Adler, pp. 205213. University of Arizona Press, Tucson. 1997 Enclosing Walls in the Northern San Juan: Sociophysical Boundaries and Defensive Fortifications in the American Southwest. Journal ofField Archaeology 24:195210. 1999 Lester's Site. In The Sand Canyon Archaeological Project: Site Testing [HTML Title], edited by M. D. Varien, Chapter 8. Available: https://www.crowcanyon.org/sitetesting. 2002 Thirteenth-Century Warfare in the Central Mesa Verde Region. In Seeking the Center Place: Archaeology and Ancient Communitiesin the Mesa Verde Region, edited by M. D. Varien and R. H. Wilshusen, pp. 233253. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City. 2000 Changing Patterns of Violence in the Northern San Juan Region. Kiva 66:147165. 2002 The Bioarchaeology and Taphonomy of Violence at Castle Rock and Sand Canyon Pueblos, Southwestern Colorado. American Antiquity 67:486513. 1999 Prehistoric Warfare in the American Southwest. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City. 1992 Introduction. In The Sand Canyon Archaeological Project: A Progress Report, edited by W. D. Lipe, pp. 110. Occasional Papers, no. 2. Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, Cortez, Colorado. 1992 Summary and Concluding Comments. In The Sand Canyon Archaeological Project: A Progress Report, edited by W. D. Lipe, pp. 121133. Occasional Papers, no. 2. Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, Cortez, Colorado. 1995 The Depopulation of the Northern San Juan: Conditions in the Turbulent 1200s. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 14:143169. 2002 Social Power in the Central Mesa Verde Region, A.D. 11501290. In Seeking the Center Place: Archaeology and Ancient Communitiesin the Mesa Verde Region, edited by M. D. Varien and R. H. Wilshusen, pp. 203232. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City. 1992 The Sand Canyon Archaeological Project: A Progress Report. Occasional Papers, no. 2. Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, Cortez, Colorado. 2000 Spatial Patterning in Northern San Juan Villages, A.D. 10501300. Kiva 66:91122. 1999 Pueblo III (A.D. 11501300). In Colorado Prehistory: A Context for the Southern Colorado River Basin, edited by W. D. Lipe, M. D. Varien, and R. H. Wilshusen, pp. 290352. Colorado Council of Professional Archaeologists, Denver. 1993 An Axe to Grind: A Functional Analysis of Anasazi Stone Axes from Sand Canyon Pueblo Ruin (5MT765), Southwestern Colorado. Kiva 58:393413. 1994 Ancient Architecture of the Southwest. University of Texas Press, Austin. 2000 Conceptual Metaphor in the Archaeological Record: Methods and an Example from the American Southwest. American Antiquity 65:613645. 2002 Sand Canyon Pueblo: The Container in the Center. In Seeking the Center Place: Archaeology and Ancient Communities in the Mesa Verde Region, edited by M. D. Varien and R. H. Wilshusen, pp. 4178. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City. 2002 Measuring Community Interaction: Pueblo III Pottery Production and Distribution in the Central Mesa Verde Region. In Seeking theCenter Place: Archaeology and Ancient Communities in the Mesa VerdeRegion, edited by M. D. Varien and R. H. Wilshusen, pp. 185202. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City. 2000 Pots, Parties, and Politics: Communal Feasting in the American Southwest. American Antiquity 65:471492. 2002 Native American Perspectives on Sand Canyon Pueblo and Other Ancestral Sites. In Seeking the Center Place: Archaeology and AncientCommunities in the Mesa Verde Region, edited by M. D. Varien and R. H. Wilshusen, pp. 257262. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City. 1999 Man Corn: Cannibalism and Violence in the Prehistoric American Southwest. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City. 1992 Modeling Prehistoric Climate and Agriculture in Southwestern Colorado. In The Sand Canyon Archaeological Project: A Progress Report, edited by W. D. Lipe, pp. 105119. Occasional Papers, no. 2. Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, Cortez, Colorado. 1999 The Sand Canyon Archaeological Project: Site Testing [HTML Title]. Available: https://www.crowcanyon.org/sitetesting. 1992 The Site Testing Program. In The Sand Canyon Archaeological Project: A Progress Report, edited by W. D. Lipe, pp. 4567. Occasional Papers, no. 2. Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, Cortez, Colorado. 2002 Seeking the Center Place: Archaeology and Ancient Communities in the Mesa Verde Region. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City. Annual Fieldwork Reports1985 Annual Report of Test Excavations at 5MT765, Sand Canyon Pueblo, and Archaeological Survey in T36N, R18W, Sections 12 & 24, and T36N, R16W, Sections 29 & 30. Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, Cortez, Colorado. Report submitted to the Bureau of Land Management, San Juan Resource Area Office, Durango, Colorado. 1988 Archaeological Survey and Testing in the Sand Canyon Pueblo/Goodman Point Ruin Locality, Montezuma County, Colorado, 1987 Field Season. Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, Cortez, Colorado. Report submitted to the Bureau of Land Management, San Juan Resource Area Office, Durango, Colorado. 1986 1985 Annual Report of Test Excavations at Sand Canyon Pueblo (5MT765). Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, Cortez, Colorado. Report submitted to the Bureau of Land Management, San Juan Resource Area Office, Durango, Colorado. 1987 Annual Report of Excavations at Sand Canyon Pueblo (5MT765), Montezuma County, Colorado: 1986 Field Season. Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, Cortez, Colorado. Report submitted to the Bureau of Land Management, San Juan Resource Area Office, Durango, Colorado. 1988 Annual Report on the Excavations at Sand Canyon Pueblo, 1987 Field Season. Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, Cortez, Colorado. Report submitted to the Bureau of Land Management, San Juan Resource Area Office, Durango, Colorado. 1990 Annual Report of the 1989 Excavations at Sand Canyon Pueblo (5MT765). Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, Cortez, Colorado. Report submitted to the Bureau of Land Management, San Juan Resource Area Office, Durango, Colorado. 1991 Excavations in Public Architecture at Sand Canyon Pueblo: The 1991 Field Season. Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, Cortez, Colorado. Report submitted to the Bureau of Land Management, San Juan Resource Area Office, Durango, Colorado. 1994 Excavations in Civic Architecture at Sand Canyon Pueblo: The 1992 Field Season. Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, Cortez, Colorado. Report submitted to the Bureau of Land Management, San Juan Resource Area Office, Durango, Colorado. 1995 Annual Report of the 1993 Excavations at Sand Canyon Pueblo (5MT765). Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, Cortez, Colorado. Report submitted to the Bureau of Land Management, San Juan Resource Area Office, Durango, Colorado. 1989 Annual Report of the 1988 Excavations at Sand Canyon Pueblo (5MT765). Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, Cortez, Colorado. Report submitted to the Bureau of Land Management, San Juan Resource Area Office, Durango, Colorado. 1987 Archaeological Survey and Testing in the Vicinity of Sand Canyon Pueblo, Montezuma County, Colorado, 1986 Field Season. Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, Cortez, Colorado. Report submitted to the Bureau of Land Management, San Juan Resource Area Office, Durango, Colorado. Papers Presented at Meetings1985 Sand Canyon Pueblo: A Thirteenth Century Anasazi Ceremonial Center in Southwestern Colorado. Paper presented at the 50th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Denver. 1988 Kiva Use in the Thirteenth Century in the Mesa Verde Area: A New Assessment. Paper presented at the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Phoenix. 1990 Patterns of Growth at Prehistoric Pueblos: A Case Study from Southwestern Colorado. Paper presented at the 55th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Las Vegas. 1992 The Durable Legacy: Another Look at Anasazi Architecture in the Mesa Verde Area. Paper presented at the Anasazi Architecture and American Design Symposium, Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado. 1999 Obligation and the Children of Sand Canyon Pueblo. Paper presented at the 64th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Chicago. 1998 Public Architecture in the Mesa Verde Region, AD 900 to 1300. Paper presented at the 63rd Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Seattle. 2001 Skull Trauma and Warfare in the Ancient Southwest. Paper presented at the 66th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, New Orleans. 2003 Structural Burning in the Ancient Puebloan Northern Southwest. Paper presented at the 68th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Milwaukee. 1994 Warfare and the Pueblo Abandonment of the Mesa Verde Region. Paper presented at the 59th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Anaheim. 1995 Ancestral Pueblo Violence in the Northern Southwest. Paper presented at the 60th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Minneapolis. 1999 Intensification of Communal Ritual: Zooarchaeology of the Sand Canyon Locality. Paper presented at the 64th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Chicago. 1996 Pottery Production in Sand Canyon. Paper presented at the 61st Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, New Orleans. Other1986 Report to the National Geographic Society on the 1984 Excavations at Sand Canyon Pueblo, an Anasazi Ceremonial Center in Southwestern Colorado. Manuscript on file, Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, Cortez, Colorado. 1989 Plant Remains from Sand Canyon Pueblo (5MT765), a Mesa Verde Phase Pueblo III Site in Southwestern Colorado. Manuscript on file, Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, Cortez, Colorado. 2000 Sand Canyon Pueblo Worked Vegetal Analysis Results. Manuscript on file, Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, Cortez, Colorado. 1990 Investigating 13th Century Anasazi Public Architecture at Sand Canyon Pueblo. Proposal submitted to the National Geographic Society. Manuscript on file, Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, Cortez, Colorado. 1998 Obligation and Children: Attitudes of Obligation in the Nurturing and Interpretation of Children. Unpublished Master's thesis, Vermont College of Norwich University, Montpelier, Vermont. 1991 Stylistic and Functional Variability Within Sand Canyon Pueblo. Manuscript on file, Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, Cortez, Colorado. 1988 Pollen Analysis of Structure 208 at Sand Canyon Pueblo, Colorado. Manuscript on file, Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, Cortez, Colorado. 1990 Pollen Results from Five Pueblo III Sites, Upper Sand Canyon, Southwestern Colorado. Manuscript on file, Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, Cortez, Colorado. 2001 A Space Syntax Analysis of Prudden Units in the Mesa Verde Region of Southwestern Colorado: AD 7501300. Unpublished Master's thesis, Department of Anthropology, Harvard University, Cambridge. 1986 Photogrammetric Mapping of Sand Canyon Pueblo, 5MT765. Manuscript on file, Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, Cortez, Colorado. 1985 Preliminary Report on Human Skeletal Remains from Sand Canyon Pueblo (5MT765) and the Duckfoot Site (5MT3868): 1984 Excavations of the Crow Canyon Center for Southwestern Archeology. Manuscript on file, Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, Cortez, Colorado. 1987 Preliminary Report on Human Skeletal Remains from Sand Canyon Pueblo (5MT765): 1985 Excavations of the Crow Canyon Archaeological Center. Manuscript on file, Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, Cortez, Colorado. 1990 Report on Human Skeletal Remains from Sand Canyon Pueblo (5MT765): 1987 Excavations of the Crow Canyon Archaeological Center. Manuscript on file, Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, Cortez, Colorado. 1992 Construction Timber Economics at Sand Canyon Pueblo. Unpublished Master's thesis, Department of Anthropology, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff. 1993 Thirteenth Century Pueblo Aggregation and Organizational Change in Southwestern Colorado. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Anthropology, Washington State University, Pullman. 1995 Report on Bone Chemistry Studies from the Sand Canyon Locality. Manuscript on file, Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, Cortez, Colorado. 1990 Preliminary Report on Human Skeletal Remains from Sand Canyon, Colorado: 1988 Excavations of the Crow Canyon Archaeological Center. Manuscript on file, Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, Cortez, Colorado. 1991 Preliminary Report on Human Skeletal Remains from Sites 5MT765, 5MT3901, 5MT3930 and 5MT3936: 1988 Excavations of the Crow Canyon Archaeological Center. Manuscript on file, Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, Cortez, Colorado. 1991 Sand Canyon Locality Context: Research Design and Preliminary Results. Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, Cortez, Colorado. Report submitted to the Bureau of Land Management, San Juan Resource Area Office, Durango, Colorado. 1988 Prehistoric Pueblo Organization, Sand Canyon Locality, Southwestern Colorado. Proposal submitted to the National Science Foundation. Manuscript on file, Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, Cortez, Colorado. 1993 Dental Enamel Hypoplasias in Permanent Teeth from Duckfoot, Sand Canyon, and Wallace Sites. Manuscript on file, Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, Cortez, Colorado. 1987 Use-Wear Analysis of Stone Axes from Sand Canyon Pueblo Ruin (5MT765), Southwestern Colorado. Unpublished Master's thesis, Department of Anthropology, Washington State University, Pullman. 1999 Zooarchaeology of Sand Canyon Pueblo, Colorado. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Archaeology, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia. 1995 Social Complexity at Sand Canyon Pueblo: A Case Study from S.W. Colorado. Unpublished Master's thesis, Department of Anthropology, Washington State University, Pullman. 1985 Pollen and Macrofloral Analyses of Sand Canyon Pueblo: Feasibility Study and Preliminary Interpretations. Manuscript on file, Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, Cortez, Colorado. 1991 Anasazi Abandonment and Sand Canyon Pueblo: Artifact Assemblages from Special Use vs. Habitation Structures. Manuscript on file, Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, Cortez, Colorado. 1990 Preliminary Report on Faunal Remains from Sand Canyon Pueblo (5MT765), Colorado. Manuscript on file, Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, Cortez, Colorado. |