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Chapter Contents, Artifacts


     Processing and Analysis of Artifacts in the Laboratory
     Disposition of Materials
          Destructive Analyses
     Other Studies of Sand Canyon Pueblo Artifacts
     Organization and Use of This Chapter

Pottery Sherds
     Analysis and Data-Recording Protocol
     Unmodified Sherds
          By Ware and Type
               Period of Site Occupation
               Length of Site Occupation
               Occupation History
          By Ware and Form
          By Type and Paint
          Rim Sherds by Ware and Type
          Rim Sherds by Ware and Form
          White Ware Rim Sherds by Type and Form
          White Ware Rim Sherds by Form and Paint
          Summary of the Unmodified-Sherd Analysis
     Modified and Shaped Sherds
          By Type and Form
          Locations and Contexts

Pottery Vessels
     By Form and Ware
     Vessel Analysis Data
     Vessel Provenience Data
     Undocumented Reconstructible Vessels

Other Clay Artifacts

Functional Analyses of Pottery
     Vessel Size Class
          Volumetric Relationships Among Vessel Size Classes
          Rim-Arc Analysis
     Studies of Painted Designs on White Ware Bowls
     Discussion of Functional Analyses

Pottery Production and Exchange
     Direct Evidence of Production
          Polishing Stones
          Modified Sherds
          Potting Clay and Unfired Sherds
          Sherd Containers
          Summary of Pottery-Production Evidence
     Evidence of Local Pottery Exchange
          Temper Data
          Paste Data: Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA)
          Local Red Ware
     Evidence of Nonlocal Pottery Exchange
     Discussion of Pottery Production and Exchange

Summary of the Pottery Data for Sand Canyon Pueblo

Chipped-Stone Artifacts
     Lithic Raw Materials
          Raw Material Types
               Local Raw Materials
               Semilocal Raw Materials
               Nonlocal Raw Materials
          Artifact Type by Raw Material 
          Raw Materials Identified in the Chipped-Stone Tool and Debitage Assemblages
          Distribution of Semilocal and Nonlocal Lithic Raw Materials
               Intrasite Distribution of Extralocal Lithic Raw Materials
               Intersite Distribution of Extralocal Lithic Raw Materials
          Summary and Discussion of Lithic Raw Materials
     Debitage Studies
          Methods of Analysis
          Analysis Results
          Intersite Comparisons
     Formal Chipped-Stone Tools
          Bifaces and Drills
          Projectile Points
          Summary and Discussion of Formal Chipped-Stone Tools
     Summary of Chipped-Stone-Artifact Data

Ground-Stone Artifacts
     Methods of Analysis
          Artifact Type by Raw Material
          Artifact Type by Condition
     Summary and Discussion of Ground-Stone Tools

Battered and/or Polished Stone Tools
     Methods of Analysis
          Artifact Type by Raw Material
          Artifact Type by Condition
     Axes and Mauls
     Summary and Discussion of Battered and/or Polished Stone Tools

Other Stone Artifacts and Minerals

Animal Remains
     Bulk Animal Bone
     Bone Tools

Objects of Adornment

Other Artifacts

Probability Sampling

Intrasite Analyses
     Results of Midden Analysis
          Midden Assemblages and Community Organization
          Midden Assemblages and Functional Change
     Results of Abandonment-Context Analysis
          Identification of Abandonment Contexts
          Abandonment Assemblages and Community Organization
          Abandonment Assemblages and Abandonment
          Abandonment Assemblages and Functional Change
          Postabandonment Assemblages

Summary and Conclusions: The Sand Canyon Archaeological Project Research Design
     Community Organization
     Abandonment and Change